How to plan to be rich, Your Money or Your Life.

(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Imagine you are walking down the street. Heading towards your home. Then someone comes from behind and puts a gun on your head. He tells you whether money is dear or life is dear. Now what will you do then? Obviously it is. You will immediately take out your wallet and put it in their hand. Because lives were saved. Then you will earn money again. But is this true?
(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Life is more than money. Or is it just a proverb. Well logically this is true. Human life is more valuable than money. But in reality, do we live by this philosophy. Now some people might say that. He loves his job very much. Or they like their job. But it is not that everyone is satisfied with their work and their salary. Life is like a race.
(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Every day, every person is seen running to achieve some goal. Everyone wants happiness in life. Need comfort. Need comfort. Above all, man wants such a life. where he did not have to work. Just sit comfortably and lead a fun life. But before he reached the finish line. People work for 10-12 hours. Along with work, they also do very hard work.
Despite this, they do not get the money for their hard work. Every human being has always lived on this hope. Maybe one day, he can live the life of his choice. To live such a life. which is full of satisfaction. Where there is peace of all kinds. Rest be rest. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
So this book has been written to show you the other side of the picture. Instead of waiting for our turn to come. Why don’t we make some way today? Try to make your every dream come true. This summary will show you how. By which you will be able to strike a balance between your work and personal life.
(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Money – The Tender Trap.
Our first mindset, which we have to break. It is a belief that only people with more money lead better lives. Many people focus only on hard work. So that he can earn more and more to live a life of luxury. But such people forget that it is their mindset that is trapping them in the money trap. When you run after money. So money runs further away from you. So this is the money trap.
People are often trapped in this money trap for the rest of their lives. They do not know this. How to get out of this trap. Before knowing this, we will try to know your adequate level through a fulfillment curve. It will be important for you to know this. How much is enough for you, that is enough. If it wouldn’t know. So you will never get satisfaction. Without this, you will be stuck on the money trap.
(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Fulfillment curve – It shows us the connection between satisfaction and money. The fulfillment curve is that. By which you know when and how money is making a trap for you. It starts with crossing the survival mode. it means. Having basic needs in life. Such as food and drink, clothes and clothes and a house to live in. All these things are included in the basic needs of human beings.
Comfort Zone – This level is not just about surviving, but living a comfortable life. Like we are getting food for all three times, full stomach. We also eat snacks in between. There is also a comfortable house to live in. Sleeps peacefully. Study. play. Entertain yourself too. That is, living a life that a common man wants.
Luxurious Zone – At this level, we have all the luxury items. Like jeweler, eating food in 5 star hotels, expensive clothes and shoes etc. People living on this level enjoy every luxury of life.
Peak Zone – This is the exciting part of the graph. which is called enough. It is important for you to understand this level. That is, the highest level of fulfillment that you can achieve. Enough is a very beautiful place. Where there is peace and trust. This is that place. Where you have, the survival needs are there. Comfort is also living and there is also plenty of money to spend on the luxury of life. This is that level. Where you understand what money has brought in your life. But by spending extravagantly, you do not let money control you.
Clutter Zone – In this stage you go beyond enough. Even after spending a lot of money there, you do not get satisfaction. This is a very dangerous stage of life. Clutter means such a blind race. Where you never get satisfaction. Man just goes on running after one thing after another. In the end, this clutter leads you to ruin.
Those people made Clutter. Those who think that by earning money in life, they will be able to live peacefully and peacefully. Such people believe in the concept of more is better. They feel that by adding more and more things, they will get satisfaction. The truth is that not all things of luxury make us happy and satisfied. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Making Peace With The Past.
When you know your enough level. So we will remind you of your past relationship with money. Knowing about your past, therefore, is also helpful. This is the habit of spending your money and the money you have saved from your hardwork. Will be aware of that. The purpose of this exercise is not to boost your Ego or lower your confidence. When you know what your relationship is with money. So this knowledge will help you to analyze your financial stability. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
The most important thing is that it will also help you to know your net-worth. In two ways, you can understand your past. You can know about your current financial state.
(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
The first way is how much money you have earned in your life.
Second by calculating your assets and liabilities. Creating your balance sheet.
Overall, to calculate that the whole life, how much we earned. Many people do not keep any track record of their income. So all of a sudden they should be asked this question. So it will be a bit difficult for them too. Also it would be useless. But it is wrong to think so. Because if you want to change your attitude about money. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Thinking about bringing a serious change in your life. So start as soon as you can. That would be better. Your goal is what is true. accept him. To find out exactly how much money you would have earned till date. Perhaps you will be surprised to know after this. How much money have you lost till date? Next step comes. Knowing your net worth Because it is important to know.
That after so many years of continuous, hard work. Whatever you earned What happened to that money after all? what you earned Did it all vanish by magic? Do you still have a lot left?
Rather they create emotion. Which we feel by spending money. People don’t need cars. They just want respect and respect. They do not want fancy clothes. They just need confidence. running after money. Leads us in the wrong direction. So you have to decide your own enough. So that you can enjoy happy life.
What was the result of your hard work? do you have something. Who can tell how much money you have invested here and there. Whereas you know your total income. So the time has come. Know your liabilities as well. In which calculating your net-worth is part of the same thing. Where you have to be ready to know the result. Now two things can happen here. Firstly, despite earning a good amount, you have a lot of loans and borrowings. Your expenses are too high. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Second, because of your past and current income, you are still in a stable position. Many people come to know this thing after this step. This discovery changes their whole life. For assets, you have liquid assets or fixed assets. Liquid Assets can be anything. Which can be converted into cash immediately. Such as e-wallet or debit card.
Whereas fixed assets are attached to the property. such as your house and land. However you have to make sure of it. Are these really your assets? That is, your money is being saved by this, not you have to spend money on it. Next comes. Your liability is related to everything. Which is yours or you have taken. Such as loans, bills, remaining payments and services. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
You have to include everything in it. Don’t leave anything. To find the net worth, simply add up all your assets. Subtract the liabilities from this. Whatever amount is left. That’s your net-worth. Which you can show after years of hard work. Do not guess in the wind that your net-worth will be negative. This result will definitely bring change in your life in some way or the other.
If you come to know that you have a lot of debt going on. So this thing will motivate you to work harder. But if you find happy, financially stable. So now you can be relaxed. Now you should stop taking unnecessary tension. The things which are not in your control. There is no need to feel stress for them. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Valuing Your Life Energy.
What is work? People give the same answer to this question. That’s why we work. in order to earn money. able to meet his expenses. Robert Theobald is an economist. They say that work is such a thing. Those who do it by killing their mind, in compulsion to earn money. While the famous Poet Kahlil Gibran believed. That work is like love. The one who kills the doer slowly. Now regarding money, your definition can be like this.
But this question definitely raises before us. Is work a struggle or a success? This chapter will redefine your idea about work. About the work in this, which is our misunderstanding. will discuss them. You will also learn about the importance of life energy. Life energy is proportional to time. That is, most of your time is spent in work. So all your life energy is focused on work. What did you achieve with this? In the olden times, max. Used to work 3 hours. The rest of the time was spent for himself or on others. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Like in learning something, meeting people or exploring things. But today our attitude towards work has completely changed. Today is the era of full employment. Which everyone wants to adopt. It is not being said here that it is wrong to depend on the goal of others. Just being an employee, spending your whole life energy in it will not be considered right. That is, you have no time left for yourself.
You just kept working hard for someone else. This is the reason that in today’s time, there is a different definition of free time. Having more free time In the eyes of some, there is unemployment. Which, instead of enjoyment, becomes a burden. Simply put, as time passes. So the value of free time decreases. Whereas the value of work increases rapidly. We can have many reasons to work. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
Redefine Your Work.
Work means doing any such activity. Which give us a sense of purpose and productivity. Work and money can never be equal to each other. So let’s start looking at these two as separate things. which are completely different from each other. Only after understanding the difference between work and money. We will be able to give equal importance to the rest of the aspects of our life.
People are often unhappy in their life, because of their job. But when we start looking at our life from a different perspective. Then that moment comes. When we find true happiness. Happiness can never be forced. It is our right to have it. When we learn to differentiate between our work and money. So you will find that our money is being received in exchange for our life energy. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
That’s why you value it as much today. Start doing more than that. Simply money is our life energy. Our life energy is not just defined by words, but by action. Once we break the link between work and money. Then we will be able to recognize ourselves again. With your values, belief and self worth. So we can start all over again, with our life purpose. (Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
You can bring your life back on track. What is the difference between working for money and working for yourself once you have. He understood. So understand that changes will start taking place in your life itself. These will be such changes. Which will fill you with freedom, happiness and fulfillment.
(Your Money Your Life Book Summary)
So, this is the short summary of the comfort crisis book. hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like The 5 second rule , The magic of big thinking , Finish book by john acuff, Hooked book summary, Purple Cow Book Summary, Rework (businesses important lessons) etc in my blog section.
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