You are a Badass highlights all the issues with our daily decisions. We go through life doing what we believe we should be doing and what other people tell us to do. Jen Sincero advises that you should instead be doing what you want to do. You’ll be happier and richer if you do what you love and live for yourself. You are a Badass intends to assist you in recognizing and modifying the self-defeating thoughts and actions that prevent you from achieving your goals, getting over your fears so you can take exciting chances, learning how to make a lot of money, and learning to love yourself and others.

How You Got This Way
My unconscious mind Forced Me to Do It
Our feelings and decisions are significantly influenced by our subconscious. Therefore, the answer to the question “What is wrong with me?” that you ask yourself somberly almost always comes from a restricting and incorrect subconscious thought. The risky aspect of maintaining these beliefs is that you might not even be aware that you are carrying them about with you every day.
Jen Sincero gives an overview of how the subconscious mind affects our lives and the components that contribute to this influence:
1) The pattern for our lives is in our subconscious minds. Therefore, depending on unfiltered knowledge accumulated during our youth, our subconscious minds are controlling our lives. Jen refers to this unprocessed data as our beliefs.
2) Most of the time, we are absolutely unaware of the irrational thoughts that control our life.
3) Our subconscious mind continues to exert power over our conscious minds, which only begin to emerge in late adolescence. It makes no difference how big and intelligent your brain gets. The beliefs that your subconscious mind accepted will still have a strong hold on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The Big Snooze
Jen frequently mentions the Big Snooze in You Are a Badass. People like Freud have historically referred to Our Big Snooze as the Ego. Jen refers to our deep sleep as our shadow or false selves. The stupid errors we commit are frequently caused by this self. For instance, when we undermine our happiness by cheating on our relationships, it is the part of us that is planning our demise. These behaviors are linked to us not believing we are deserving of love, not sexual disinhibition or hatred for our loved ones.
Jen refers to the ego as the “Big Snooze” because she thinks it’s the main reason why we don’t realise how truly amazing and powerful we are as people. Your limiting erroneous ideas are used by The Big Snooze to accomplish its goals. The Big Snooze is also supported by outside sources. The fundamental goal of The Big Snooze is to make you scared enough that you agree to stay safely inside the reality you’ve made. It’s your comfort zone, as Jen says.
Your Non-BS Self
Without the influence of your subconscious, you are your higher self, or your non-BS self. Jen clarifies that this aspect of you functions in accordance with your relationship to Source Energy. Because of this, it gets its validation internally. It is also defined by affection and proactivity. Finally, your Non-BS self is dedicated to bringing your boundless potential to life. Once you have emerged from your Big Snooze, you may put this self into action.
It’s challenging to change from your Big Snooze to your Non-BS self. Your Big Snooze will use all of its power to prevent you from developing and changing. In the end, you’re trying to erase the identity that other people have come to recognize as “you.”
Despite the difficulties that come with leaving your Big Snooze, you must do everything in your power to regain control of your life. Believe in your own strengths and that your new life is waiting for you to claim it. Think about how much better your life could be with these adjustments. Additionally, keep in mind that it is just as simple to imagine yourself as wonderful as it is to imagine yourself as bad at everything.
How to Embrace Your Inner Badass
A vital component of being a badass is loving yourself. You won’t waste time on your own or other people’s bullshit if you are in love with yourself.
Jen offers the following advice for promoting self-love:
- Recognize how unique you are.
- Immerse yourself in positive thinking
- Do what you love and stop making jokes about yourself.
- Let love come in.
- Never assess yourself against others.
- Accept your faults.
You have my utmost, fiercest, and unconditional love. The universe thinks you’re amazing. It is just waiting for you to share that belief in order to give you what you are due. Give yourself the self-assurance and love that the universe wants for you as a result.
I am aware that you are, but who am I?
Never waste time fretting about what other people may think of you. If we live in fear of what other people might think, we are destroying our enthusiasm and love for ourselves. You should strive to celebrate who you are and what you have accomplished instead. You alone are in charge of your words and actions. Take full advantage of your self-control because no one can take your right to personal autonomy away from you. It is not your responsibility what other people think of what you do. So, focus solely on what you are doing.
Jen adds that what other people think of you is entirely their concern and has nothing to do with you. Being loyal to oneself is all that matters in life. As a result, you will be a powerful superhero if you can maintain a connection to who you are and what you are passionate about.
What Are You Doing Here?
While each person’s journey is different, we are all attempting to reach the same destination. Wherever we feel the happiest, the most alive, and the most like ourselves is where we are. Once more, Jen offers concise instructions on how to locate this joyful place:
- Take the initial, sensible step. Avoid wasting time by trying to determine what to do next. Do something already, please.
- Wherever you are, give it your all.
- Never reimagine the wheel. What are some things that others do that you would also love to do?
- Do not fall victim to the thunderbolt hype. The idea that each of us is meant to fulfil only ONE real calling is one of the most crippling ones. Let yourself off the hook; we all change.
- Pay attention to your gut.
How To Tap Into the Motherlode
Buddhism 101
Although it may seem absurdly easy to practice, meditation can actually be absurdly difficult. Jen asserts that there is no proper or improper way to meditate as a result. Do not stress about sticking to a predetermined amount of time, predetermined feelings, or predetermined seating requirements. It just matters that you practice meditation. You will discover what is right for you if you make meditation a habit. Then meditation will begin to significantly alter your life.
There are instances when we may feel as though our brains are in control. Jen says that you may, nevertheless, turn your brain into your bitch. You can benefit from using your brain. For instance, Jen suggests using positive thought as a potent weapon to alter our realities. We have the power to significantly alter our life simply via our ideas.
The proof first has to modify your way of thinking before it can be seen. Our biggest error is that we frequently perform it in reverse. We demand to see the proof before we accept anything as fact. Knowing “how” is not your responsibility. Your role is to be aware of the “what” and to be receptive to learning and receiving the “how.”
Forgive or Fester
Grudges must be let go because they will never improve your life. On the other hand, forgiveness has the amazing ability to enhance every aspect of your life. You start down the path to liberation the instant you decide to forgive and let your hurt sentiments go. In order to forgive someone, you must first take care of yourself. Prioritize your desire for happiness over your quest for righteousness. Additionally, stop believing that someone else is in charge of your happiness and start taking responsibility for it.
Jen thus defines forgiveness as:
- putting your needs before those of the person you need to forgive.
- putting your need for happiness ahead of your desire for truth.
- assuming responsibility for your own happiness rather than acting as though it is someone else’s duty.
Get Over Your B.S. Already
It’s So Simple Once You Understand It, It’s Not Hard
How we choose to view reality affects how we live our lives on this planet. You only need to decide to let go of things that do not serve you if you want to enhance your life. Replace the reality you want for yourself in lieu of this gap. The sooner you understand that existence is only an illusion brought about by your perception, the sooner you may begin making a good life for yourself.
Perfection is Prevented by Procrastination
Not having enough experience is the biggest roadblock to our success. The largest barrier to your achievement is actually a lack of the necessary tenacity. Due to the prevalence of procrastination, people frequently spend more time and effort coming up with justifications for why they can’t be, do, or own the things they desire than really working toward them. In fact, the majority of us have spent so much time putting things off that we have created the ideal diversionary strategies to prevent us from achieving our goals. Procrastination is the simplest conceivable kind of self-sabotage thanks to our flawless designs. You should therefore commit to making changes in your life. You won’t continue to hunt for justifications if you are sincere about changing.
Fear Is for Fools.
Fear is a fuel for procrastination and lack of ambition. Despite the fact that being terrified is a real experience, your concerns are merely based on hypothetical scenarios. Thus, fear is defined by Jen as existing in the future. Most of the time, there is no certainty that our fears will come true. Additionally, we are unable to predict how frightening it will be if it does occur.
Jen advises developing a sense of ease around uncertainty. Although the future is uncertain, we shouldn’t be alarmed by it. Instead, trust that happiness and prosperity are in your future. Your liberation is on the other side of your fear.
Acting versus Speaking
Only 5% of people who sign up for anything, like a course or a seminar, actually use it, according to a statistic. As well as extremely, extremely, extremely high-quality courses. This is due to the fact that many people desire change but lack the time commitment necessary to make it happen. These folks don’t really care as much about their success as they seem to.
People that are successful are not simply willing to experience discomfort. Instead, they are prepared to develop the habit of experiencing discomfort in order to succeed. Instead of becoming stationary and settling, they continue to advance through each new difficulty. Like any other muscle, the ability to be a badass must be exercised regularly to maintain it.
one page summary by growthex
“You Are a Badass” is a self-help book by Jen Sincero that offers practical advice and motivational techniques to help readers build self-confidence and achieve their goals. The book encourages readers to embrace their inner badass and take control of their lives by addressing limiting beliefs, shifting their mindset, and taking consistent action towards their desired outcomes. The author uses humor, personal anecdotes, and inspiring stories to drive home the message that anyone can improve their life and reach their full potential by taking responsibility, setting boundaries, and committing to self-improvement. The book also covers topics such as financial abundance, finding love, and living a fulfilling life. Overall, “You Are a Badass” is a no-nonsense guide to becoming the best version of yourself.
- Embrace your inner badass and take control of your life.
- Address limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.
- Shift your mindset to a positive and abundant one.
- Take consistent action towards your desired outcomes.
- Take responsibility for your life and the choices you make.
- Set boundaries and prioritize self-care.
- Invest in personal development and growth.
- Surround yourself with supportive and positive people.
- Take risks and be open to new experiences.
- Live in the present moment and enjoy the journey.
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