By telling the amazing rags to riches tale of Bill McDermott, who rose from impoverished origins to become CEO of the largest software firm in the world by merely having a vision of what he wanted in life, Winners Dream will motivate you to get up and move in order to achieve your biggest ambitions.

Have you ever experienced a revelation about your purpose in life? When you finally had complete certainty that you would become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, or whatever else your ideal career was?
If so, you are aware of the potency of these revelations. However, life frequently comes in the way and makes it challenging for us to achieve our objectives. We struggle, face setbacks, fail, and worry about whether we’ll actually succeed.
You will succeed if you set a lofty objective that gives you a surge of ferocious energy and do all in your power to achieve it.
Obtaining your ideal career these days could seem difficult. Even entry-level roles are filled with a lot of experience at a lot of companies. Even worse, no matter the position, there always seem to be dozens of other applicants who are far more competent than you.
How then can you truly differentiate yourself? The most prepared and passionate candidates are typically those that succeed in landing the position. You’ll get hired if you sincerely want the work and can demonstrate that you’re committed to doing it well.
The author’s interview for his first job at Xerox serves as the ideal illustration of how this operates. He shared his personal story of overcoming adversity, which the sales manager found inspiring. McDermott talked about the amount of effort he’d put in to even stand a chance of getting the position, and he was hired in the end!
Even if passion alone can get you far, planning and preparation give it true force.
This is demonstrated by yet another instance the author had while working at Xerox. He was interested in a vacant sales manager position, but applicants under the age or experience restrictions were not permitted by corporate policy.
McDermott nonetheless held a meeting with the recruiting manager where he presented a solid plan for how he would handle the role should he obtain it while keeping his dream in mind. His efforts were rewarded when Xerox made an exception to their hiring policy and employed him despite his lack of experience!
“People don’t quit companies, they quit managers,” said McDermott himself.
2015 marked my college graduation and first genuine professional employment. Being an adult for the first time was wonderful. It was enjoyable for a time, but as the management changed, everything fell apart.
My employer was cruel, overbearing, and micromanaging. He changed what had previously been a pleasant place to work into one I loathed going.
I’ve been out of there for a long now, which is a blessing, and I couldn’t be happier. Rather of leaving the company, I left my manager.
What then constitutes a good leader?
Learn about the lives and priorities of your employees first. For instance, inquire about their dreams or daily routines. This enables you to make changes that will improve their productivity and work environment.
For instance, you might learn that one of your team members has a relative in the hospital and be able to offer them flexibility.
Next, celebrate each victory in a spectacular way. Everyone is encouraged to keep moving forward because of this. Even some of his top performers get trips to Hawaii from the author!
Last but not least, don’t tolerate bad performance since it undermines the high-performance culture you want to create and nurture.
The journey to becoming a champion is much more rewarding than the final sprint.
In high school, I once had to write an essay in response to the issue of whether achieving a goal or working towards one felt better. Though I was perplexed, when I wrote about my experience trying out for the basketball team, I learned a valuable lesson about life.
The journey itself is more fun than the final goal.
You’ll encounter a variety of people that support you in trying to realise your ambition. Some become into your closest friends and even relatives. The author realises when he looks back on his career that the people were what made it extraordinary.
The original dream he had created for himself was then immediately apparent to be considerably larger than he had anticipated.
Companies should take this to heart and shift their attention away from numbers and towards people and the good they do in the world.
This is perfectly illustrated by McDermott’s own business, SAP, which has numerous humanitarian projects. The company also encourages workers to take a “social sabbatical” so they can share their expertise with other enterprises.
In the end, your relationships and the challenges you face to become successful are far more valuable than any wealth you may acquire along the way.
Winners Dream Book Review
The CEO of the German software company SAP, Bill McDermott, is the author of the book “Winners Dream.” His ascent from modest origins in a working-class family to becoming one of the most prosperous and powerful business leaders in the world is detailed in this memoir.
Three sections make up the book, each of which focuses on a distinct period of McDermott’s life and career. In the first section, McDermott discusses his upbringing on Long Island, where his parents taught him the importance of perseverance and hard work. He also talks about his early difficulties, which included a nearly fatal accident that left him with one eye blind.
In the second section of the book, McDermott discusses how he got started in business and how he worked at Xerox, where he worked his way up to become one of the organization’s youngest executives. He also talks about his time at Gartner, where he was charged with turning around a faltering department.
The third and last section of the book focuses on McDermott’s time at SAP, where he held the position of CEO and was the first American employed there. He discusses his methods for steering and modernizing the business, emphasizing his emphasis on client satisfaction and innovation.
Overall, “Winners Dream” is a positive and uplifting book that provides insightful information about what it takes to be successful in both business and life. The success of McDermott is a tribute to the value of perseverance, hard work, and a willingness to take chances and fail. This book is certain to offer insightful insights and motivation for realizing your dreams, whether you’re a seasoned business leader or just starting out in your profession.
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