By emphasizing the significance of your surroundings and other elements that have an impact on your productivity so you can become the best version of yourself, Willpower Doesn’t Work teaches you how to make changes in your life more effectively than by depending solely on grit.

Do you recall your most recent accomplishment and how satisfying it was? Maybe you felt good about your weight loss. Or perhaps it was just getting up early to work out. Maybe you feel good about working hard to complete a significant project.
Whatever it was that you did, it probably took a lot of willpower. In the world of productivity, the capacity to compel ourselves to accomplish things we feel like we don’t want to is highly desired.
However, it is difficult to develop sufficient self-discipline to complete tasks. What if there was a method to achieve your goals and become incredibly productive without having to suffer through it?
If you want to alter your life, stop worrying about self-control and instead carefully plan your surroundings.
If you’ve read any willpower books, you are aware that it is a muscle. The same way that you can increase your strength by lifting weights, you can build this muscle by working out.
Then, developing yourself shouldn’t be all that difficult. To make achieving your goals easier tomorrow, it only takes a little bit of extra effort each day!
Willpower, unfortunately, is not a particularly powerful muscle. It is quickly exhausted by numerous external influences, making it challenging to maintain buoyancy. However, there is good news: It is not your fault.
A good illustration is the rising rate of obesity. You might have thought that if everyone just ate healthier, we wouldn’t all be so obese. We all wish we had more willpower, don’t we?
Actually, the atmosphere of fast food and sedentary labor is what has made us all overweight, not ourselves. If we can purposefully create this and any other environment, we’ll practically force improvement in ourselves.
Think about how the two types of evolution differ:
- Natural evolution is the process by which organisms change in response to their environments.
- Controlling an organism’s surroundings to influence its evolution is known as domesticated evolution.
- Most of the time, we simply allow ourselves to develop naturally, giving in to the bad influences of a culture that attempts to make us unhappy, overweight, and in debt.
However, everything changes when we consciously choose our surroundings, much like domesticated evolution. In our subsequent session, let’s discuss how to accomplish this.
You should set aside particular, distinct spaces for work and leisure if you want to be successful, happy, and satisfied at what you do.
The COVID-19 epidemic has significantly changed the way we live. There are some advantages it has brought with it, such as the ability to work from home, that are buried in all of the limitations. However, as you are well aware, spending more time with your family has a price.
When you work and play in the same place, productivity is challenging. And having children, like I do, adds a whole other set of challenges to this predicament. When a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old are requesting breakfast, it can be difficult to focus on serious work.
Although the maxim “work hard, play hard” is an excellent one to live by, it needs some modernization. If we want to be as effective as possible, we need to include the concept that each must be completed at a different location.
While not experiencing any stress may sound good, doing so deprives you of the advantages of eustress, or healthy stress, which can help you fulfil your potential. The best method to prevent distraction and indifference is to provide just the appropriate amount of pressure.
You maximize your body’s capacity to work hard and recover when you purposefully designate one location for work and one for enjoyment. A space for business and another for relaxation where you just spend time relaxing should be set aside.
Make a swift and clear decision to get rid of anything in your life that demands willpower to resist.
Get rid of anything that prevents you from achieving your goals. It’s not simple to do that, but with the correct attitude, it becomes lot simpler.
How not to approach this is demonstrated by the experience of one successful CEO who took some Boy Scouts camping. They made the short trip to their campsite, pitched their tents, and went to bed as usual.
However, this leader was shocked to find one young man who appeared worn out and agitated when he awoke in the morning. The child explained that he didn’t use his sleeping bag because he didn’t want to have to pack it again in the morning when asked what was going on.
Although it sounds absurd, you occasionally act in the same way when making important life decisions. You second-guess what the best course of action is when you may have avoided many long-term regrets if you had just taken the plunge.
Consider this no-nonsense approach when creating a successful environment. Start by removing all distractions from your phone. Get rid of the time-wasting apps you frequently use when you’re worn out or bored at work.
Go to your closet and throw away all sugary foods right away if you’re attempting to eat better and lose weight. Don’t think twice!
When your deliberately created environment makes it simple for you to be your best self, you’ll be glad you did it when you don’t have to exert willpower to make a wise decision!
Willpower Doesn’t Work Book Review
In his self-help book “Willpower Doesn’t Work,” Benjamin Hardy refutes the idea that willpower is the secret to success. Hardy contends that rather than relying solely on willpower, it is more beneficial to create an atmosphere that encourages our aims.
Hardy supports his position throughout the book using scientific evidence, tales from his own life, and interviews with accomplished individuals. He explains how our surroundings affect our behavior and how we may use this understanding to improve our lives. Hardy also offers suggestions for adjusting our social networks, daily routines, and physical surrounds in order to create an atmosphere that supports our aspirations.
“Willpower Doesn’t Work” focuses on the significance of context, which is one of its merits. Hardy makes a strong case that if they are surrounded by unfavourable influences or distractions, even the most determined people will find it difficult to accomplish their goals. Creating a supportive environment, on the other hand, can make it simpler for us to accomplish our goals.
The book’s useful counsel is one of its other strong points. In addition to outlining the idea of how our environment affects our conduct, Hardy offers specific recommendations for altering behavior for the better. To keep us on track, he offers advice on how to identify the “keystone behaviors” that might have an impact on all aspects of our life. He also offers guidance on how to set up an accountability system.
The book’s oversimplification of the role of willpower, however, may be one of its weaknesses. While it is true that our environment has a big impact on how we behave, willpower may also play a big part in helping us accomplish our objectives. The book’s emphasis on fostering the ideal environment at the expense of willpower may strike some readers as being overly excessive.
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