Shad Helm Stetter, a self-help guru who has authored numerous articles on the topic of self-talk, makes the case in his book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself that in order to realize our highest selves, we need to work on how we talk to ourselves and identify our largest difficulty to overcome.
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helm Stetter is a thorough manual on how to control your inner dialogue. The author makes the case that we need to revamp our self-talk and replace it with more useful and beneficial ideas in order to improve our self-programming system.

We independently decide what and why we believe before acting on those convictions. This is what defines our success or failure—and happiness or unhappiness—at every level. For this reason, if we want to lead happy lives, we must learn how to control our self-talk.
Our thoughts are the source of everything we are.
You are the only one who can hear your inner dialogue, so keep it to yourself! So keep in mind that others have no idea what you say to themselves if you ever worry about what others might think. Similar to how most people are unaware of the daily internal conversations that others have with themselves.
Therefore, start speaking more positively to yourself now if you want a better life. Why? Let’s see, then. According to the book, ideas create electrical impulses, which then manifest as actions. Everybody has thoughts, and those thoughts rapidly turn into deeds.
Your thoughts shape every aspect of your life, from how you perceive the world to how you treat people. Talking to yourself causes your mind to be programmed with future-defining concepts. The likelihood that you will act on anything increases as you give it more thought.
You will have a lasting impact on your life and the lives of people around you when you talk to yourself about what has to be done, what can be mended or improved, what should be altered, or even avoided entirely.
We can achieve everything we want by rewiring our minds.
It’s essential to think optimistically and take initiative in a practical way if you want to accomplish your goals. Our acts are motivated by our thoughts.
They might be helpful or hindering, and they can be negative or good. If you have a terrible habit, you probably already know the exact thought pattern that keeps you there.
We all want to adopt better habits, but we won’t succeed if we don’t comprehend how our thoughts operate and how they affect our behavior.
It’s crucial to comprehend how your brain functions since, in general, ideas are converted into electrical impulses, which are subsequently converted into actions. Start reprogramming your mind to work with you rather than against you to take advantage of the process.
The author claims that the following is how to reprogram your mind:
- Beliefs are produced by programming.
- Attitudes are created by beliefs.
- Feelings are produced by attitudes.
- Actions are driven by feelings.
The most effective way to use the reprogramming framework on your mind is to figuratively talk yourself into it. Enhance your inner dialogue and observe the changes in your life.
Before attempting to alter your self-talk, understand it.
The first step in reprogramming is to swap out your old, harmful thoughts for new ones that will benefit your life. You must first recognize these gloomy thoughts in order to discover a better alternative to replace them.
The author proposes five stages of self-talk, starting with:
- Many of us are caught in the level of negative acceptance. Negative statements like “I can’t do this,” “I will never get there,” and other negations are some indicators that you might be stuck here.
- Recognizing a need for change and expressing that desire by using phrases like “I need to change,” “I should do so,” “I’ll do something about it,” etc.
- Making the decision to change is a great level to reach. Here, you’re ready to make a change and work to better yourself forever.
- The better you – At this stage, you feel in charge of your life and are aware that you are the change-agent. In this case, you’re developing a winning attitude.
- Universal affirmation – At the highest level, you have made a universal commitment to leading a meaningful life. Here, you experience receptivity to the Universe and can adjust your behaviour more easily.
Think about your self-talk for a bit. Which end of the scale are you on? What aspect of your internal dialogue could you strengthen? Even unspoken words have a big impact on your behaviour. Start with altering your words if you wish to transform your life.
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter Book Review
“What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” by Shad Helmstetter is a book that can help you unlock the power of positive thinking and self-talk. It provides practical advice on how to use affirmations, visualizations, and other techniques to achieve greater success in life. This review will explore the main ideas presented in the book, as well as its potential applications for readers. By understanding the concepts outlined in this book, readers can learn how to better manage their thoughts and emotions, enabling them to lead more successful lives.
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