The Untethered Soul Book Summary and Review | By Michael Singer

In order to obtain inner peace, energy, and happiness, The Untethered Soul wants to assist everyone of its readers in breaking free from their constraints and flying far beyond their confines. In order to attain these results, Singer advises you to pay less attention to the environment and more attention to altering your relationship with your inner space. You can overcome all of life’s obstacles after you have freed your mind and soul from their bonds.

The Untethered Soul Book Summary
The Untethered Soul Book Summary

Fix issues based on what’s going on inside of you

Realizing that this “I” will never be satisfied is the first step towards achieving inner peace. This implies that you can spot the source of negative energy in this voice, which Singer refers to as your inner roommate. For instance, you shouldn’t try to defend yourself if you are feeling envious. Go inside yourself to identify the area of your voice that is experiencing jealousy issues.

According to Singer, attempting to solve problems based on your immediate environment will be fruitless and temporary. Understanding and improving how circumstances affect you internally is the key to problem-solving.

How to Listen to Your Inner Voice

There is a voice inside everyone of our heads. Nonetheless, we hardly ever step back and analyse this voice. In order to understand it better, Singer advises paying attention to what it says. If you don’t get to know this voice, it might start to feel like a part of you. But, since you have no control over it, it is clear that it is not you. Understanding your voice is crucial because most of your troubles may originate from it. The author argues that your negative mind’s response to life’s events—rather than life itself—is what really causes issues. For instance, a build-up of anxiety, fear, or want will make the voice in your head more active.

You can study the world outside of you and recreate it inside of yourself with the aid of this internal narration. This may cause you to become self-absorbed.

Overcoming the part of you that wants protection is the key to avoiding living in your mind. You can achieve this by repeatedly reminding yourself that your voice is not you. You are just one person who is aware of this inner voice.

Take Action Against Autopilot to Quit Getting Consumed By Your Inner Voice

Many of us go through life as though it were a dream. When we are dreaming, we don’t question whether we are dreaming; we just accept what is happening. Without even questioning the veracity of our experiences, we fly over our home. This is referred to as a “lost state” by Singer, who also emphasises that we frequently enter this condition while awake, such as when we are completely immersed in our thoughts, feelings, and senses. We are unable to comprehend the context of our experiences when we are concentrating on these characteristics. This is the distinction between being conscious of your awareness and not being conscious of it.

When you are overloaded by multiple senses, being lost is simpler. You are consumed by your encounter. The experience of watching an engaging film is a prime illustration of this. You are fully engaged in your sensory experience for two hours. In order to fully experience these things, you must learn to stop yourself from going on autopilot. This routine will assist you in separating yourself from your inner roommate.

Your inner thorn is your inner voice.

The response of the inner voice to issues outside is referred to by Singer as our inner thorn. External issues can occasionally be so little that you can decide to skip the thorn. Nonetheless, there will be times when issues from the outside have a detrimental impact on your inner voice. You must make the choice to pull out this inner thorn on these instances. The issue is not how to solve it, but rather how to guard against having a negative reaction to it. Here, Singer reiterates that the greatest strategy is figuring out how you want to respond to these issues and that your inner voice’s unfavorable opinions aren’t your own.

An energetic heart permits flow

Even while energy is physical, your mental attitude affects it as well. The author cites the instance of falling in love as an example. You are energised and inspired by this encounter to pursue other goals in life. On the other hand, following a breakup, you might feel demotivated and exhausted. Singer refers to this as infinite energy, whereas the Chinese refer to it as Chi. This storyshot only emphasises how external factors have an impact on energy. Even yet, you can restore control by resisting the urge to listen to the voice inside when things get tough.

According to Singer, a healthy heart will naturally allow energy to flow, inspiring creativity, love, and openness. Your highest state, which is just the outcome of being entirely open, is something that your heart aids you in discovering. Don’t undervalue yourself by neglecting your emotions and keeping to yourself. The remedy for your intellect lies in your heart. You will eventually stop thinking about your mind and instead let your heart to lead the way on your journey. Your heart will only guide your mind. Yet, much like your head, your heart is not who you are. Your heart is what you experience.

Openness Is Crucial for the Generation of Energy

The secret to happiness and love is to be open. Your heart will flood with waves of uplifting energy if you continue to be open. You should never rely on energy because it is so crucial. Singer advises practising opening by not shutting since you will receive more energy if you do. Once you’ve had enough practise, you can always remain open. Your energy will now have an impact on other people. Others will begin to open up too as a result of picking up on your enthusiasm.

To be liberated, let go of things

The secret to preventing a closed mentality is freedom and liberation. Singer says that finding yourself comes from dedicating yourself to your inner work. Then you may free yourself so that your soul can steal freedom. You acquire this release by forgoing psyche protection. As soon as you are content with everything, everything will be OK.

Don’t worry about others, and your soul will be free.

Singer thinks that because we put so much mental and emotional effort into being liked by others, we all experience chronic misery. But because these feelings are so pervasive, we fail to notice them. He makes the analogy that a fish would not notice water. Hence, the first thing you must do is to give up hoping that your intellect can correct your problems. According to Singer, your mind is a very powerful computer instrument. Instead of worrying about what other people think, we can utilise it to consider good ideas, solve issues, and serve humanity. You can focus on internal issues instead of external ones by removing yourself from the lost state indicated before.

Emancipation and Freedom Won’t Come Without Suffering

Real spiritual transformation, freedom, and growth won’t come without suffering. You must instead discover how to accept pain. The majority of individuals always want to avoid suffering, yet as a result, pain controls their lives. Layers of intense sensitivity to outside events will have developed as a result of years spent trying to escape suffering. This is due to the fact that the grief is still being digested, albeit more deeply. These in-depth procedures create closed energy that affects your decisions and creates a complex framework around this suffering. According to Singer, the foundation of spiritual work is overcoming pain. You’ll start to have more lovely experiences if you learn to accept pain.

Break Down Your Barriers to Unlock Your Mind

You will discover a constant aspect of yourself as you tear down the barriers and delve deeper within. Your sense of awareness is this. Your consciousness is right now. This aspect of you is conscious of your ideas, feelings, and experiences. The source of your “Self” is thus your consciousness.

Peace Will Be Yours When Fake Solidity Is Destroyed.

Always letting go is a good thing. It is a profound inner release that stands alone as a spiritual path. You will live in a state of perpetual serenity, joy, and happiness once you learn to let go of false firmness. You will continue to have thoughts, feelings, and a self-concept even after letting go. Yet, they won’t make up your complete experience; rather, they’ll make up just a small portion of it. You won’t identify with anything outside of your sense of Self after you’ve let go.

Decide to be happy and moral

Singer argues that our typical answers to the question “Who are you?” are untrue. Most people answer this question by describing their upbringing and their parents’ personalities. You are not who you are in this. Not your character, but what has happened since you were born.

Making the decision to be happy can also assist you in achieving enlightenment. Learning Sanskrit or enunciating the world are not requirements for enlightenment. Being happy is the key to achieving ultimate enlightenment. Individuals might easily get overburdened by all of the options available to them. Singer points out that the only real question is whether or not you want to be happy.

Your capacity to comprehend your inner energy will determine your road to unbridled enjoyment. If you give it some thought, you’ll realize that happiness is linked to an open heart and an upsurge of energy.

“The Untethered Soul” Book Review

“The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer is a powerful and thought-provoking book that offers a fresh perspective on the human experience. Singer’s writing is clear and concise, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. The book is filled with practical exercises and meditations that help readers connect with their inner selves and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Overall, “The Untethered Soul” is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and live a more fulfilling life.

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