The Top 10 Best Psychology Books To Read And Understand Yourself.
Inside our development of ourselves, it is very important to increase the understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. you know our brain is continuously scanning our environment and taking information from it and making decisions very quickly.
The more your brain understands how the world and how your surrounding actually works the more your brain will calm down and think with clarity and you will gain the opportunity to see what the hell is going on inside yourself. Do you know what is the last message of Steve jobs “it is ACTUALIZE YOURSELF”!
Try to understand who you are! Well These Books will help you to discover yourself and will give you the understanding of human behavior.
Brain Rules By DR. John Medina
12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home and school.

- This Book is basically written by a molecular biologist. and in this book the author discusses about various latest discoveries about our mind and how the brain actually works.
- This book will explain you how we think, what is stress, and how we can make the totally new knowledge to be the part of our brain.
- How we remember the things.
- And is it a truth that the mind of men is different from the mind of women?
- And Rules to apply in our daily life and make a transformation in our lives.
From The Diary Of A Psychologist
A guide to well being.

- This is a very important book for those people who wants to know, what is the perspective of psychologist toward their clients and people.
- Also, you will know the tricks about human behavior.
- Dr. Asha discusses the basis of our all habits and behaviors, How they are formed?
- You will understand the concept of giving attention and appreciation.
- How we used to train others unintentionally?
The Secret Life Of Pronouns
What our words say about us by James W. Penne Baker.

Sometimes after texting somebody why do we think, “I think I replied very emotional shit!!” and I think I have to not text this thing.
In this book, you will understand how we use to behave on texting somebody as compared to talking with that person in reality. These two are different.
This book tells how there is a latent means hidden meaning towards our words and texts which we use to say often to people.
we can learn to know what is the real emotional state of second person.
The 48 Laws Of Power

This book will teach you to success in almost every area of your life.
These 48 laws are based on human nature. and in this book, you will be interacted by the real power of words, and how much you should speak in front of someone to impress him or her.
The Power Of Habit By Charles Duhigg.

With the help of neurological science, It is explained how human can transform themselves. And basically how the habits are formed and how to end any bad habit.
In this book author discusses a lot of successful people like Michael Phelps, martin Luther king and the CEO of Starbucks.
Mainly [what is a habit] [how the habit are formed] [how to break it] [how to replace it].
12 Rules For Life By Jordan Peterson

“You are by no means only what you already know. You are also all that which you could know, if you only would. Thus, you should never sacrifice what you could be for what you are. You should never give up the better that resides within for the security you already have—and certainly not when you have already caught a glimpse, an undeniable glimpse, of something beyond.” – Jordan Peterson
This book will clearly explain to you what is the start of every transformation.
Behave Book By Robert M Sapolsky.
The biology of humans at our best and worst.

The human brain is a complex organ that has evolved over millions of years. It is the most complicated thing in the universe. The human brain has been studied for centuries and there are still many things about it that are not fully understood.
The human brain is made up of billions of neurons, which are cells that transmit information to other cells. Neurons connect to each other through synapses, which are gaps between the cells. These connections allow neurons to send messages to one another and form circuits or networks.
Neuroscientists have found out that our brains have a lot in common with computers because they both use circuits and networks to process information.
In this book, author will tell you why the behavior of teens is different from the different age groups.
The HapPiness Hypothesis
The Ideas of spiritual gurus like Buddha,

It is a common misconception that happiness is the only thing that matters in life. But there are many other things that contribute to a meaningful life.
A meaningful life is one where you have an opportunity to live your values, make a difference in the world, and experience deep connections with others. It’s also one where you feel like you’re growing and developing as a person.
Flow – The Psychology of optimal experience

The optimal experience is a term that was coined by the psychologist Abraham Maslow. He believed that people are motivated to achieve certain needs in order to feel satisfied. The needs are arranged in a hierarchy, and the most basic need must be met before the next need can be addressed.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is often illustrated as a pyramid with five levels:
– Physiological Needs (e.g., food, water) – Safety Needs (e.g., shelter) – Social Needs (e.g., belonging, love) – Esteem Needs (e.g., respect, self-esteem) – Self-Actualization Needs (e.g., creativity, problem solving)
Flow state is a mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.
The term “flow” was coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. He defines flow as “the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.”
Sex At Dawn – How We Mate And Why We Stray.
Deep understanding about human sexuality.

This Book contains psychological aspects that are related to human sexuality such as sexual orientation, gender identity, paraphilias (sexual arousal to objects or situations that are not typically considered sexually arousing), and fetishes (sexual arousal to objects or situations that are typically considered sexually arousing).
So, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, if you want to read the book summaries for free and gain learning from them then you can explore these book summaries.
- Master your emotions book summary.
- Think and grow rich book summary.
- Limitless Book Summary.
- No Excuses by brian tracy book summary.
- Inner Engineering book summary.
- Grit The Power Of Passion.
- Life’s amazing secrets book summary.
- How to attract money book summary.
- How to stop worrying and living.
- The parable of pipeline book summary.
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