A variety of viewpoints are presented in this book. This book aims to provoke thought rather than to impart knowledge. This explains the obscene language, the provocative book title, and the harsh techniques. Despite the book’s extensive teachings, all you want to do is think about it.

The focus of this book is on brain liberation. from all the horse crap you are experiencing and getting yourself into. This book covers a wide range of topics from your life because it is concerned with liberating you.
When you find yourself disagreeing with something in this material, be sure to explain why in great detail. Find out why you are doing it by asking yourself why.
You Are a Product
Why don’t we begin with you? You are a thing that has hope attached to it. Listed below are a few facts about you:
Nobody is ready at birth.
Continually be ready.
Humans have feelings.
Every person needs to learn how to learn.
A person is capable of thinking, but they have no concept how to think, which prevents them from understanding how to learn.
Since emotional intelligence is still developing in infants, “emotional reaction” is a poor teacher.
People are fools, you may have said on numerous occasions in your daily life. One, however, is not born an idiot. Instead, because we aren’t taught how to think, we consciously choose to be idiots.
The following are the distinctions between someone who is taught how to think and someone who is given ideas to consider:
In general, a person who has been taught how to think will do so.
While someone who has been taught the best way to think will typically query.
The person who was taught how to think will feel threatened by outside ideas, objects, or people. The individual who is taught how to think, on the other hand, will feel more in control of their circumstances.
You Want To Stand Out
Nearly all of us are intrigued by the idea of being unique. You must have had scenarios in your head where others would think highly of you and treat you with respect.
Let’s say your coworkers or friends believe you are exceptional. Even your parents have acknowledged your uniqueness.
Thus, does being deemed extraordinary by others make one special?
The simple response is no. Humans are insufficiently qualified to determine whether or not someone is special.
Specialness in life cannot be attained with a single experience. It can easily become a thing of the past. Concentrate on achieving your goals, both personally and professionally, to feel special.
Specialness, according to Shwetabh, is something you acquire. To determine if you are unique or not, you must close your eyes and ask yourself that question. You’ll get the right response from your “self,” I promise. Do you know.
The emblem of understanding you acquire is specialness. Don’t look for other people’s affirmation of your uniqueness. Instead, specialness should be the emotion experienced after learning a talent and moving along in life.
Understand that rejections are common
Everyone encounters rejection at least once in their lives, and it is a relatively regular occurrence. When it occurs, you won’t be involved in any way. But, you act as if you are the only one who has experienced this, taking it personally.
You keep getting rejected all your life. Yet, in the early years when you are a little too naive and entitled, they often have a terrible impact. It might have been the teacher you wanted to stand out to but who nonetheless always seemed to move on without noticing you.
Rejection is common. Every time you fail to do anything important to you, you may feel like a loser and an idiot who should be killed.
In spite of the fact that failures, losses, and rejections are common, you must end this cycle of self-harm. By doing this, all those powerfully negative feelings are channelled into something beneficial. After you’ve accepted “failures are normal” as the guiding concept of genuine winning, you’ll feel less wretched.
Failures are common, but you understand that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. Genuine winning necessitates limiting losses to what is within your basic range of control.
Recognize that Humans are Strange
Why is the notion that “people are weird” essential to your development? It is much preferable to having irrational beliefs. You could have expectations of someone based on how you perceive them.
In order to prevent forming such impressions, remember the following four specific points:
- Data. Remind yourself that data is the source of knowledge about anything.
- The first impression is a lie. Make a conscious effort to blur any mental representations of persons you may have. They originate from your perception of the world, not from data.
- Humans are strange. Assumptions should be avoided by keeping this in mind.
- We slumber in the marketing industry. When there is no data, anyone can sell you anything.
Forget Joy and Go for Satisfaction
Happiness is essentially what you seek in life. The quest of happiness drives the majority of your decisions, behaviours, and interpersonal connections. You still don’t understand that happiness and satisfaction are not the same thing.
Generally speaking, being kind to others, having fun, and enjoying fantastic television and movies will make you happy.
It takes accurate knowledge of what would make “you” pleased to feel satisfied with oneself. Self-awareness is the first step in this. When this knowledge isn’t put to use, it is stored away in your brain.
When you have to serve yourself, you learn what is valuable. You will have to rely on others if you don’t. You feel pleased when they affirm that you are deserving of their respect. This is because you’re thrilled when other people tell you how much they think you’re worth.
You Are a Nation
Begin to perceive yourself not only as an individual but as a nation.
Nations are other people. For instance, your parents, siblings, and other family members are from close by nations. It’s terrific if you get along well with them; if not, you both suffer.
The leader of the country is “you,” the individual. Your moral code and governing principles form your Constitution. These regulations result from an understanding of what undermines the country. Also, the moral code sets the boundaries that you will never violate.
The security force that upholds the Constitution’s laws and moral standards is self-regulation. Your country’s happiness index is self-esteem, which is experienced when self-control is exercising good judgement.
The terrorists in you are the urges, impulses, or tendencies that cause harm.
The opposition party is your ego. He wants you to be the best, but he has no idea what “the best” actually entails other than the fact that it’s a positive word. And as a result, the self must control the ego and work together on particular tasks. Complacency loves the wealth of accomplishments.
Forget Your Heroes
Consider the individuals whose approval means the most to you. These are well-known individuals who command absolute respect in your mind. They are the individuals you shouldn’t let down. Every word they speak to you is wisdom; every action they take is the proper action; and their accomplishments and wisdom inspire you to want to emulate them. You become delighted when you see them.
You generally assume without question that there are decent individuals in our world; you refer to them as “heroes” when they do good. And you refer to people as your heroes when you think they are smart and competent.
Movies, television programmes, and the theatrical retelling of historical events by individuals with heroic ambitions have all contributed to the spread of this illness in our cognitive processes. You are aware that fiction is where the concept of a “hero” originates, but you are unaware that fiction is where it also ends up. We are merely pleased to have made it possible.
The reality is that the concept of a hero and a villain is intriguing and overly straightforward. That is understandable to even 4-year-olds, who feel trapped by it. Truth is rarely pure and never easy, as a wise person once said. The concept is both.
Calling someone your hero or role model is one of the worst things you can do to yourself.
These correspond to your youthful ideal that you would become flawless as soon as you do. They cease to be human in order to appear more prominent in your sight. They are people, which makes that perilous. The idea of good and evil also keeps you from accepting others and empowering yourself fully.
These are foolish and oversimplified notions: there are no heroes, good people, or terrible people. We are perfectly capable of engaging in actions of many kinds, from moral to immoral, at various times and for various individual motives.
Admire, Don’t Follow
You admire the remarkable accomplishments and skills of accomplished individuals, not their lifestyles. Recognize the differences. You’re fascinated by their life, that’s what. You wouldn’t even be familiar with their names if it weren’t for their successes. Why not esteem them on their deeds alone?
The crucial point is that honesty is what distinguishes admiration from mindless adoration.
The less you desire to imitate and become the person you are following, the more honest they are. The more dishonest someone is, though, the more you aspire to be like them. Honesty and factual information are highlighted. All else is just speculation and advertisement.
Honesty helps you to let go of the fabricated idea of perfection. Instead, you observe common, approachable individuals who share your shortcomings and difficulties. You respect them because of their reality.
Hence, the more sincere a person is, the more admiration they receive. You tend to follow someone more closely the less honest they are.
Learn to think clearly
What you were taught to think as a child completely determines how you think today. Hence, there was a strong possibility you were given a packet of knowledge about a subject if you were curious about it when you were young. You’d feel content after that and be able to quit worrying about it.
You must own your ignorance if you wish to be wise. Everything you’ve learned up to this point has been imparted to you verbally.
It should be your aim to be obvious; some individuals can spot rubbish a mile away. You should be able to tell fact from fiction whether watching the news or when being offered something. This does not imply that you should deal with all of your issues at once or wait until they are so severe that you are unable to concentrate on anything else in your life.
Remember that false ideas make you foolish while true ones liberate you. The only distinction is that the incorrect ones are simple to come across, while the appropriate ones require some effort on your part.
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