About Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The One Thing was co-written by author Jay Papasan and real estate magnate Gary Keller. It is well known that Gary Keller founded the real estate firm Keller-Williams. But his love of instructing and inspiring others has propelled him into writing.
The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, Shift, and The One Thing are only a few of Gary Keller’s four published works. All four of the novels are bestsellers. Keller collaborated on his book, The One Thing, with Papasan, a writer and marketing editor for Keller-Williams.
In addition, Gary Keller’s real estate firm, Keller Williams Realty, employs Jay Papasan as its executive editor. He has contributed to several other real estate and business-related publications and resources in this capacity, including The Millionaire Real Estate Agent and The Millionaire Real Estate Investor. Papasan was a journalist and editor before pursuing a career in publishing and real estate, holding positions at The Wall Street Journal and Fast Company, among others. Austin, Texas, is where he is based.
Keep the Domino Effect in Mind
Gary Keller illustrates the impact of a small domino with a few stories in the book’s outset of The One Thing. Amazingly, if you arrange dominoes properly, one single domino can topple a large number of others.
Sometimes it just takes one small movement or action to start a chain reaction that can lead to a lot of subsequent, increasingly powerful steps. A single little domino has the force to topple roughly five million other ones. Another example they gave was how a domino can topple a domino that is up to 50% larger than the preceding one.
In their tale, a scientist managed to topple eight dominoes that grew in size.
Just two inches tall, the first domino was also the smallest. The first seven dominoes effortlessly knocked over the eighth and final domino, which was approximately three feet tall.
With this scenario, 57 would almost reach the moon if you kept going. The size of the Eiffel Tower in dominoes might not be necessary to topple. Your challenge, though, is to identify your first domino if your upcoming project feels like it could extend halfway to the moon.
Decide on your first domino carefully; this is the one thing you must do. You can finish your job and knock down your last domino by concentrating on the initial step.
Consider the 80/20 Rule.
Everyone is familiar with Pareto’s theory that the bulk of the land in Italy was owned by a small number of people. This idea has been demonstrated to be true in numerous other contexts and walks of life. The expression “essential few and trivial many” refers to the Pareto Principle, which was first used by Joseph Juran.
We’re trying to concentrate on the trivial many, which is the problem. Too many people are juggling family obligations, their day job, and running their own business. The list seemed to continue on forever.
We would make greater progress than ever before towards our objectives if we could pinpoint the essential few and concentrate all of our intention there.
The important thing in this situation is to take some time to stand back and evaluate the minor inputs that have the biggest effects.
Consider spending some time looking into where the majority of your clientele are from if you work in real estate like Keller. Do they find you on social media or do they come via networking events?
If you are aware of this information, you can eliminate the activities that aren’t bringing in the majority of your clients with confidence. And concentrate all of your efforts on the one route that attracts new property sellers or purchasers.
Always return to the central issue
You’ll probably notice that certain successful people excelled at one talent if you take a closer look at them. Tiger Woods, for instance, didn’t aim to dominate baseball, basketball, and golf. Instead, he concentrated on his one sport and became the best golfer anyone could ever hope to be.
The same is true of Starbucks, Bill Gates, and Michael Phelps. What would you like to be remembered for? Get so good at it that people associate your name or business with that one quality.
This book’s central thesis is to ponder the following query:
What one item can you take care of right away to make everything else simpler or unnecessary?
You don’t have to pick one component of your life and devote all of your attention to it, which is an interesting aspect of this book. Instead, use this query to examine every aspect of your life.
First things first, you should consider what one aspect of your company or project will advance the needle the most. Do you need to work on your capital fundraising or marketing campaigns?
Don’t attempt to accomplish both at once, though. You’ll either fail completely or only succeed partially in achieving your objectives.
Instead, if you decide on marketing, then refine it once more. What marketing strategy do you need to concentrate on the most in order to make the rest simpler or unnecessary? Could you, for instance, do away with the requirement to post on social media every day if you took the time to concentrate on your SEO?
For some, you’re not attempting to expand your company. Instead, you’re attempting to do well at work in order to get a raise or promotion.
Quit pondering the lack of your significant rise and recognition. Spend some time choosing the one new ability you can learn to guarantee that you’ll get that promotion the following time.
What expertise can you acquire that will simplify or eliminate the remainder of your work? You might also consider asking what extra project you can take on to help your team or yourself achieve your goals.
You’ll be able to focus on the proper area when you ask the right question. Also, you will receive the coaching you need to succeed in your job and secure the raise and promotion you are due.
Personal or Family Life
Instead, this concentrating question need not be limited to your professional or business interests. This idea can be used in your personal or family life as well. What one thing can you do to help your family life go more smoothly?
What if you subscribed to a meal delivery service or had your groceries delivered? Would that make dinner a lot simpler so that you could spend the evenings with your family? How might this aid in strengthening your bonds with the people who matter to you the most?
What can you concentrate on to ensure that your child performs well in school? Or what can you do to support your elderly parent in staying in their house?
If you’re attempting to save money for retirement or are facing mountains of credit card debt, you might feel like you’ll never cross the finish line. You don’t have to climb the full mountain of credit at once, thanks to the focused question.
Instead, you should ask yourself: What can I do right now to better my financial situation? To avoid being tempted to keep using the cards once you start making payments, it could be necessary to create a budget for the first time or break up the cards. If you concentrate on this one task, you’ll soon be enjoying being debt-free.
Physical Fitness
Finally, consider your bodily well-being. What one thing can you do right now to improve your health? Have you ever gone on and off again with your diets?
If so, perhaps you don’t need a new diet. Maybe you should start going for walks around the neighbourhood or enrol in a yoga class. You may improve both your physical and emotional health by engaging in these activities.
Discover a way to further your health goals and concentrate on it. Finally, you’ll feel confident about yourself and be able to keep up with your kids at the park or beach.
Preserve your one thing by employing productivity techniques.
You’re just halfway to reaching your objectives once you’ve identified your one thing. Using a productivity strategy to assist you in achieving your goals is the second step in putting them into practise. Choose what works for you and observe how concentration allows you to do much more.
Blocked time
Time blocking is the first resource you can utilize to accomplish your objectives. To focus for a brief period of time, time blocking is a fantastic technique. Depending on your personality and current schedule, this period of time can differ from person to person.
Some individuals will discover that they can set aside three hours each morning. Some people could start to lose focus after the first hour and start to wonder how they’ll get through the entire block. If this describes you, opt for working in shorter bursts, like the Pomodoro technique.
No matter how much time you have available, the key idea is to be aware of what you’re working on to advance your objectives.
Avoid Multitasking
One final productivity advice to keep in mind is that multitasking is a myth. Stop convincing yourself that multitasking helps you accomplish more. In actuality, you’re only completing them partially and it’s taking longer than you think.
The main idea of this book is to maintain laser-guided intention while concentrating on your top objective. Hence, avoid deluding yourself into believing that multitasking will help you accomplish more.
You are wasting valuable time and attention on yourself. Use that time to accomplish your goals.
The One Thing Book Review
The One Thing by Gary Keller is an inspiring and informative read for anyone looking to improve their productivity and reach their goals. The book outlines the importance of focusing on one task at a time and how this can lead to success. Keller provides practical advice on how to identify what is most important and how to prioritize tasks in order to maximize productivity.
The book begins by outlining the importance of focus and how it can be used to achieve success. Keller provides several examples of how successful people have used focus in their lives and how it has enabled them to reach their goals. He then provides practical advice on how to identify what is most important and how to eliminate distractions.
Keller also provides useful tips on how to develop productive habits, such as setting daily goals, breaking tasks into smaller parts, and taking regular breaks. The book also outlines the importance of taking risks and how to cope with failure.
The One Thing is an inspiring and informative read for anyone looking to improve their productivity and reach their goals. Keller’s advice is invaluable and can help anyone achieve success. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to make a positive change in their life.
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