In order to achieve the life of happiness and fulfilment you’ve always desired, The Charge teaches you how to activate the baseline and forward human drives that are already present in you. This will help you feel energetic, grounded, and productive.

Feeling in charge of your life? Just hold on for a moment if you hastily said “yes.” Have you ever given any thought to the amount of influence you actually have over your day?
You might start to realise the reality if you consider how your regular schedule consists solely of working, eating, and sleeping. Regardless of how you feel about it, you’re living the life that society tells you to.
Consider what you actually desire for a moment. You might be shocked to learn that what you truly have isn’t what you wanted. Now, consider how you might feel if your life were exactly what you desired.
Even if you currently feel that you are in a cage, you may learn to shift and lead an energetic life. As Brendon Burchard would say, a charged life. How to get there is explained in his book The Charge: Awakening the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive.
The kind of life you lead, including the repercussions, is up to you, depending on whether you like to be confined, comfy, or charged.
As a child, I always did what was “right.” I attended school, had good marks, participated in extracurricular activities, and eventually got accepted to college. After finishing that, I obtained a 9–5 work, and I believed that was it.
At least until after two years, when I started to reflect on my true motivations and started to make adjustments.
I was leading a “caged life” because I did what everyone else felt I should want. Early on, like it did with you, I started to believe that I should want certain things.
When you were a child, your parents praised you for having ambition and self-control in pursuit of the things they believed you needed to be happy. Even if you are not aware of it, these behaviors continue to influence your decisions as you become older.
Because you secretly worry that you may lose their approval if you don’t take their advice, you are reluctant to pursue your true passions.
People do, in many cases, lead what the author refers to as comfortable lives. You’ve reached this point if you’re still content with the “good life” as defined by society but haven’t taken the time to make the necessary changes to make it a life full of vigor and passion.
You should aim to live a charged life like this.
The first of the drives is to change the way you think about control.
Everyone wants to be content. Even though it becomes confusing in the midst of all this discussion about various lifestyles, that is the end objective. Whatever you look at it, folks who lead charged lives are happier people.
Learning the human urges that will get you there is all that is necessary to do it.
Although if these drives aren’t related to our survival instincts, they are nonetheless qualities that, when used, can make us happier. You will develop your inner self by completing the first five baseline drives. As follows:
Caring \ Connection
For a moment, let’s talk about control. It’s not only about exercising control; it’s also about realising and accepting where you do and don’t.
The majority of life’s events are beyond your control. You can’t make other people be what you want, whether it’s the weather, what other people think, or the traffic. Yet you can manage your reactions, which is an important area to focus on if you want to live a better life.
If you lead a caged life, you can interpret challenges as evidence of your limitations. On the other side, a person who lives a charged life views difficulties as just information. They let it slip and take what they can from it because they understand that their circle of influence just consists of themselves.
You merely need to change your attitude about change for it to be beneficial.
Forward drives are the final five drives. They assist you in pursuing your goals and looking to the future, and they comprise:
- Change \ Challenge
- Expression of the Mind
- Contribution \Consciousness
Let’s find out what a charged life may teach us about the change drive.
If you reflect on your past, you might realise that you have through many changes over the years. You started off as a helpless infant and soon after learned to walk and talk before maturing into an adult.
Change still exists, whether in the workplace, the home, or the wider globe, but it is now a little more terrifying. You’re terrified of losing what you have, which is why. Instead, concentrate on the advantages of every shift that is put in front of you if you want to live a dynamic life.
But, seeking for possibilities can be challenging as well because you frequently lack clarity in your goals. This isn’t your fault; more often than not, the problem is that you don’t know what’s feasible.
Imagine a recent college graduate who is unsure of their future plans. Only since they are unaware of all the options, they must consult a counsellor for assistance in choosing their major.
Investigate your opportunities for clarity. For instance, if you have recently graduated from college, you should look online for jobs in your industry. You could also seek out persons who you admire and enquire with them about their path to success.
The Charge Book Review
Brendon Burchard’s self-help book “The Charge” tries to motivate readers to lead more purposeful, happy lives. Burchard offers readers useful guidance on how to realise their full potential and accomplish their objectives by drawing on both his own experiences and scientific studies.
Three sections, each of which focuses on a distinct area of personal development, make up the book. The Charge Within, the first section of the book, exhorts readers to take charge of their life and offers tips for overcoming self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Burchard stresses the value of fostering a positive outlook and growing in self-awareness.
The “The Charge Activation” section of Part 2 offers a framework for creating and achieving objectives. Burchard offers advice on how to stay motivated and focused as well as advice on how to set challenging but attainable goals. He also stresses the significance of daily action and progress towards your objectives.
The Charge Legacy, the third and final installment, emphasizes the significance of leading a purposeful life and having a beneficial impact on society. Burchard advises readers to pinpoint their basic principles and utilize them as a compass for their choices and deeds.
Overall, “The Charge” is a well-written, motivational book that offers readers useful tips for personal growth. Burchard writes in an interesting style, and his suggestions are supported by empirical data and practical examples. It’s worth reading “The Charge” if you want to reach your full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.
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