the $100 Startup simply says Quit your job and do what you love.

Have you ever thought of starting your own business? Do you think you need more money to start a business? If yes, then The 100 $ Startup can prove to be a helpful book for you. In this book, the author has told about the ways to start a business in 100 dollars. By reading this you can start a small business of your own and become your own boss.
Quit your 8 hour job and be your own boss.
You might think that starting your own business is a very difficult task. But it’s not that difficult either. Today everyone is starting their own business without any experience or funds and you can too. People all over the world are leaving their jobs today because of the freedom they are getting from business. Some people have been a direct business as soon as they leave school and are also succeeding in it.
Take for example two designers who started making so much money selling maps as soon as they left school that they quit their jobs in just nine months. Or take that piano teacher who created a software for his students and started earning thirty thousand dollars a month.
You can also make your business successful. All you need is a product, a few customers and a method for payment. You are absolutely not at risk from the market or your competitors. You are threatened by your inner security. If you want to move on, you have to leave them.
Apart from hobbies, you must also have customers and skills for business.
Unless someone buys your products, your business is just a hobby. Hobbies are not enough for business. When you can meet the needs of others with your skills, then you will be successful. But how to do that?
Giving value to customers is what makes any business successful. That’s why you should think about giving value to others. You cannot turn your hobby into a business directly. That’s why you have to help those who have the same hobby as you. So if you do not have the right skills to start a business then you have to learn them. You have to start your business by using whatever skills you have related to it.
Not every hobby of yours can become a business. If you love to eat food then you cannot turn this habit into a business. But you can start a restaurant. You have to think about giving value to people to start a business.
Understand the needs of the customers and put your offers in front of them.
To make your business successful, you have to understand the needs of the people and fulfill them.
You do not necessarily have to know about all the requirements of the customers. You can find out about this through survey. With this survey you can find out whether they will pay for your product or do they see any problem in your product? There are other ways you can try to make your business successful. As you can advertise your product and if you get good orders then you launch your product in the market.
It often happens that what people say they do not want. For example, customers of airlines were complaining about small seats of airplanes for many years. When airlines offered them good seats for a little more money, people preferred to travel with those small seats.
To make your business successful in the true sense, you have to keep in mind the needs of the customers which they do not speak about. Therefore, you should understand the needs of the customers and give them value.
Improve your marketing and focus on the benefits of your product.
Along with getting good offers, you also have to improve your marketing skills. Do not tell about your product while advertising. Tell people how they can benefit from using this product.
Instead of focusing on your belongings, focus on the needs of the people. For example, a yoga guru can benefit himself by telling about the benefits of yoga instead of yoga. Once you have thought about the benefits to people from your own business, then you should think about the budget of your business.
You can adopt other marketing skills instead of traditional marketing. Two of these skills are given below.
Meet other journalists, companies and blog posts. You will get many benefits from this.
Another way is Strategic Giving. You help others in such a way that they will benefit a lot. As you can start giving them good advice in less money. With this, they will also tell others about your business, which will increase your customers. Like you can start a youtube channel.
In this way you can improve your marketing skills.
Prepare well before launching your product.
Every businessman fears that what will happen if people do not like his product when it is launched. What if no one bought it?
Instead of advertising the product by launching it, you launch it by advertising the product. Start taking orders from people even before you make the product. Make products according to the number of orders you get.
You fix a launch date and tell people about this date.
Keep them informed about the details of your product. And finally when the launch date comes, find an easy way to get your product to them.
Keep your product cheap in the beginning and tell people about your offer. Also, keep reminding them that the date of expiry of the offer is approaching. This will eliminate the hesitation of people and they will buy your product. Then after some time you do not sell your product at that price.
When the author started his online business course called Empire Building Kit, he was on the Empire Builder train from Chicago to Portland. Customers had just 24 hours to avail the launch offer. That offer would have ended when Empire Builder returned to Portland.
This train ride story quickly spread among the people and the author started getting a lot of customers. He earned 1 lakh dollars i.e. about 65 lakh rupees in just 24 hours.

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