Purple Cow Book Summary By Seth Godin – secrets of marketing

Once Seth Godin was vacationing in France with his family. When they were passing through the highway. So by giving herds of cows grazing there. He was amazed and shocked. The weather was very nice. A light wind was blowing. The cow was grazing the grass with great pleasure. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
That view was so lovely. As if that scene was taken out of a children’s story book. This sight continued till the mills. At first, Seth and his family were watching it with great interest. But after some time, he started getting bored with this sight. Only a herd of cows was visible in Pune. And nothing new. That sight of brown colored cows, seemed common and boring. But imagine. That among those brown cows, there would have been a purple cow. So what would happen? (Purple Cow Book Summary)
It would have been interesting then. Maybe so much that even if you want to, you can not take your eyes off there. This is where Seth Godin got the idea of Purple Cow. Meaning of Purple Cow. Something fresh, different, different and extraordinary to see. You will learn from this summary. How can a separate product be made? (Purple Cow Book Summary)
How a unique marketing strategy can attract people’s attention. Today the market is full of products. In such a situation, it is very difficult to attract the attention of the customer. That’s why Seth Godin came up with the concept of Purple Cow. Which means, something new and special. People will be compelled to see which. Something that people have never seen or heard.
He couldn’t live without talking about it. Old marketing techniques are like those brown cows. People are bored seeing them. Now he cannot draw their attention to himself. There is lot of competition in the market. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
The same advertisement is piled up. So in such a situation, how will you be able to sell your product. How will you be able to maintain a successful business? The solution to all these problems is – Purple Cow. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
Why You Need The Purple Cow.
In any business, making just one product is not enough. Tell people about it. Marketing it. It is the most important part of business. Often before advertising, businesses try to sell products through word of mouth. If people liked the product. So problem solve.
They will talk about it and will definitely tell others as well. Advertising through TV and print. A new formula has been born. Now companies have started giving advertisements in TV commercials and newspapers. So that more and more people can be told about their product. But later, every company started adopting this strategy. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
There are so many ads and products in the market today. People are tired of it. People have become so busy in their life. That their attention does not go to the poster or ad of any product. Now in such a situation, how will you market your product? So here comes the concept of Purple Cow. You have to present your product as a purple cow among all the brown cows available in the market.
You have to design it that way. that people cannot live without seeing him. For example, let’s talk about aspirin. To be the first company to make this tablet. What a wonderful thing that would be. This is one such product. Which many people need. It is very cheap. is easily available. The good thing is that it is effective too. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
First time manufacturers must have earned a lot of money. But today if you want to sell Aspirin brand. So it will be very difficult. Because there are many brands out there already making Aspirin. Like Lincoln, Zydus, Bayer etc. Even if you like the product a little bit better. How would you be able to sell it then? If your company has marketing budget. So you can spend money on TV or online ads.
Before that you need to find those. Who are ready to buy your aspirin. The truth is, not everyone will buy it. How many such people will there be? Who would like to try a new brand of aspirin. Most people would like to be loyal with the same brand. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
The Death of the TV Industrial Complex.
That is, the TV Industrial Complex was very dominant from 1950 to 1990. All the companies started investing money in TV ads in huge amount. understands it. As a first businessman, you need to find such a market. which is expanding. Where no brand or product is shadowed.
After finding the market, you create your product. Then loudly promote through advertisements on TV.
Then people will see it. Then the further process i.e. distribution and sale will start. Because TV ads reach many people. So the demond of the product will also be very high.
Which will make more profit. Now more TV ads are bought with this money. This addon guarantees people, one way. That the product is of high quality.
People mostly buy those things. Whose ad he has seen. Products that are not advertised. Customers remain unaware of it. TV Industrial Complex Revlon, Ghadi and Procter.
(Purple Cow Book Summary)
Getting In.
Crossing the Chasm author Geoffrey Moore told about Diffusion Cow. It shows how a new idea and product moves among people. It feels like a bail curve. Which has five parts. The left contains the first and smallest part, the innovators. Next to that is the adopters. The middle is the largest part, the early or late majority. On the right side is the last part, the laggards. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
Moore says that all types of products follow this pattern after launch. Who buys it first. He is an innovator. Such people are always interested in buying new products. Even if they do not need this product. Then come the early adopters. These people are always ready to use new products. They also buy such products.
Which he had never heard of. After this, the largest share of the market, made up of the early and late majority. However, they are not much interested in the new product. They are satisfied with those brands. Which have been using for years. It sometimes hears about a new product from its adopters friends. But it is not guaranteed whether they will buy it or not. TV’s ads industry targeted the largest segment of the market. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
This is the reason why any company spends so much on ads. It is enough to draw the attention of the early adopter to the concept of Purple Cow. So it is wise to target them. Those who like to buy new stuff. You should try. So that people like your product. so that they buy it.
Ideas That Spread Win.
Any new product or brand begins with an idea. The more the idea spreads. The more successful it is. He also earns profit. Seth Godin, this idea is called a virus. Those who spread the virus of this idea are called senzzle. People tell their family, friends and acquaintances about it. Which he has tried new. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
The question comes how to create such a product. which they immediately like. So don’t make such a product. Which is for everyone. Otherwise it will remain as a common product. which will not belong to anyone. Instead target a particular segment of the market. Make a product for the people in that segment. Try giving such things to early adopters. what they really need. The more value you will provide to them. He will respond equally well to you.
If you are satisfied. So it will definitely do the mouth publicity of your product. Some examples of this, such as Marissa Mayer are employees of Google. A man used to criticize Google’s search engine by sending him emails every day. But he never, ever gave his name. His email had only a two digit number. Nothing else. It took a while for Marissa and the others to understand. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
What do these numbers mean. How many words are that man on Google’s home page. was telling about that. Having more words on the page, he used to get irritated.
Because of that guy, the early designer of google got a lot of help. They learned to be more disciplined in making the interface. He became careful not to put too many links. That is why take criticism in a positive way. Think about improving your product.
Some companies are like this. Which does not use the old marketing strategy. It brings a unique product or service to the market. It also does not spend much on advertising. Nevertheless, their products are easily sold. Now their competitors feel. That these companies are cheating. But why so? Because that’s what other people are doing. He doesn’t do this. But still they easily capture the market.
Let us understand this with some examples. Talk about Starbucks. So Harvard took something like Deuce Coffee to that level of experience. That’s when people today think about enough.
So the name of Starbucks comes on his youth. Which amazon has in online shopping, by giving free shipping service and a range of thousands of products. There was panic in the market.
That’s why their competitors will always be a few steps behind. If this company is so profitable. So why don’t we adopt the concept of Purple Cow?
How Dutch Boy Start-up The Paint Business.
How to do something new in Paint business. A Dutch boy found a very simple solution to this. He changed the design of the can of paint. Open the paint cans first. Remove paint from it. close its lid. It was a difficult task. Because they were made of steel. It was too heavy to lift.
This design had been running for a long time. Everyone thought that paint cans are like that. But this Dutch boy came up with a wonderful idea. He thought why not pick up the paint can. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
Remove paint from it. Make everything easy. Because he believed. The design of the can is also an important part of the product. He thought people meant, then, just by painting their walls. If a can of paint is made like this. Which anyone can easily pick up. Then all the problem will be solved.
That’s why he thought of using a plastic can instead of a steel one. On its side, there will also be a handle to hold it. Because of this, there was a tremendous sale of the can of that Dutch boy. This is called doing marketing in the right direction. Effective marketing is called that. When the business does not change the ad, but the product itself. But that Dutch boy did not buy the product. Rather its packaging was changed. Similarly, can you also redefine your product.
The Best Baker in the World.
Lionel Poilane was a French baker. He took over his family business after his father. But Lionel didn’t just sit and bake all day in the bakery. He did something different, amazing. He interviewed thousands of French bakers. Teach him many techniques of making bread.
He was the first person to use organic flour in the whole of France. Lionel also read many bread making books from around the world. His famous POILANE Bread was made of four ingredients. Which was – flour, yeast, sea-salt and water. Lionel would make it by hand and bake it in a wood-fired oven.
since then, till date, this recipe is followed in that bakery. Lionel never hired a professional baker. He said that he had many bad habits. Which was difficult to get rid of. That’s why they only hired young people. The French restaurant had earlier rejected Poilane’s bread. They thought Poilane’s recipe was very different and strange. But they could not deny this. That their bread was of very high quality. Eventually, Lionel managed to persuade the owner of the restaurant. (Purple Cow Book Summary)
Then the restaurant started serving their bread. Today the condition is that Poilane bread is served in every restaurant in Paris. People from all over the world come to buy Lionel’s signature bread. Their breads are big and round. The first letter of the name of POILANE is made on them. Poilane bread is sent to many countries outside.
This bread has become a global hit product. Now his daughter handles the company. His 3 generations have been doing this work. Poilane’s total sales exceed $10 million every year. We can learn from this. That we should not be afraid of separation. If you have created a unique product by studying the market. You are sure that your target customer will like it. So it’s definitely worth a try. POILANE Bread is the perfect example of Purple Cow.
So, this is the short summary of the comfort crisis book. hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like The 5 second rule , The magic of big thinking , Finish book by john acuff, Hooked book summary in my blog section.
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