How to Stop Giving Excuses.

(No Excuses Book Summary)
There can be a thousand reasons for failure. But there cannot be any good reason in them. People waste as much energy as making excuses for failure. That much energy, if he invests in doing the right thing. So he can be successful very quickly. Most successful people believe. A quality is very important for success. That is self-discipline.
You’re lucky Or having a lot of money. Or with people, having a great connection. Or you do not need to be born with any specific skill. But to be successful in your life goal, what has to be done.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
It’s just a discipline. Unfortunately for people not being successful, there are two enemies. The first is that they are lazy. Second is that they want instant gratification. Which means that they decide without thinking about the long term result.
If we develop Power of Self-discipline in our life. So we too can achieve success. How many people want to double their income. How many people want to achieve Financial Independence. How many people want to lose weight. How many people want a debt free life?
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Brian Tracy says that I often start my seminar with these questions. In which most people want all these things. But very few people get it all. Its the biggest reason. We have a habit of making excuses. We procrastinate things. Like we use the word some day.
I will upgrade my skill some other day. Some other day I will start exercising. In everything, we bring some day. Gradually our habit of making excuses takes the form of a disease. Which we call the Disease of Excusitis. Means the problem of making excuses or the disease can also be called.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Successful people do that work. The result of which they like. For example, instead of watching TV, studying successfully. He works on those things.
Get the benefit of doing it. He is ready to pay full price for it. Whereas Unsuccessful people do that work. What they enjoy doing. Like watching TV while sitting at work or studying. These people pay attention to those things. By doing which their tension is reduced. There are a few ways to get yourself on the road to success.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Make Your Mind For Success.
Prepare your mind for success. Whatever you do over and over again. It becomes your habit. Once again, that becomes a habit. It is difficult to break it. Bad habits form quickly. But with those habits, it is difficult to stick with them for life.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
It takes time to form good habits. But once, be it. So life passes smoothly. Therefore make a habit of Self Discipline i.e. self-discipline. Successful people are ready to pay the full price in advance. So learn from the experts. Read his books. Listen to their podcast. Attend his Seminar. Or for advice, approach them directly.
For a lifetime, be a student of your work. There is power in studying. To make you a better person. Just like when you initially heat the combination of a liquid in a Chemistry Lab.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
So he turns into Crystals. Then it does not become liquid back. If you want to be that. which has never been done before. For that, you have to do that. which you have never done before. Teach those skills. and practice. which you have never done before.
Build Your Character.
Imagine your ideas. What are your ideas? What are your goals? Imagine a future image of yourself. You behave according to the same image.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Whenever you feel That you are not behaving according to your highest value. So stop and tell yourself. I am not like that. Next time, I’ll do better. It’s like that. Like you have someone on both your shoulders. Angel on one side and Satan on the other. Now what do you pay attention to? He keeps growing.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Take Responsibility.
You take on the responsibilities. You should give up those habits early. who broke you Those habits should be adopted. Which will help you to achieve success. You can read whatever you want. By reading which, you can achieve those goals.
which you have set for yourself. Don’t run away from your responsibilities by blaming someone else. Get rid of your negative emotions. Especially with his anger.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
As soon as you get any negative emotions. Then you tell yourself. I am responsible In this way you can convert your negative emotions into positive emotions. The mind can only do one thing at a time. So when you say I am responsible Then you forget the negative emotions for the time being.
You cannot experience responsibility and negative emotions at the same time. So as soon as you take the responsibility. So you come to the driving seat of your life. Then everything is possible. The more responsibility you take on. The more you will experience the control.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Have Goals.
It is very important to have your goals. If you don’t see the target. So how do you hit him? Many people claim that they have goals. In fact, they are just his hopes and aspirations. Write down your goals. When we write goals. So the probability of getting them increases by 10 times. (No Excuses Book Summary)
Failure Mechanism runs automatically. Whereas Success Mechanical is triggered by the goal. You just need to be clear what you want to achieve. The goals you have in mind.
He will show you the way to achieve that. To achieve goals quickly, there is a seven-step method. That is, decide what you want. You can be as specific as you can.
You think that specific. You write it on a paper. You set a deadline to achieve that goal. The goal is never unrealistic, that is, unrealistic. Rather, deadlines are unrealistic.
You make a list of everything. What you have to do to get it. Make a list of everything. which you have to learn. You arrange that list according to the sequence of priority. Now start taking action on that plan. Waste no time. Do something like this every day. Which will take you closer to your goal.
This will create momentum. Then gradually a self-discipline will be formed in you. To go towards your goal. So now, you take a paper. Write Goals for 12 Months in it.
Write today’s date on its second corner as well. Now make three categories. Financial, Family and Fitness. Now in 3 to 5 minutes, write down 10 goals.
Now from the list of those goals, select one such goal. Which will change your life. Help you achieve more goals. After this, take another paper. Write this goal of yours in it. This goal becomes your purpose. You need a quick subconscious deadline. To focus all your power on goal achievement.
Now to do this, take a paper. Write in it- How to Achieve. Write your goal and put it in front of it too. Now it becomes a question. How to achieve your goal.
Write 20 answers to your question. The first 3 to 5 will be easy. After that, 5 to 10 will be difficult. The next 10 will be very difficult. Now look at these answers and select one. Take action on it. Habit of setting goals everyday. Will make you powerful. Because when we go fast, towards our goals. So no one can stop us.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Grow Each Day.
Your earning ability makes you earn money. So keep increasing your earning ability continuously. Everyone who is on the top 20% today. He started with only bottom 20%. To get to the top, lifelong self discipline is necessary. Mental fitness is also like physical fitness. Time has to be worked on that.
To earn more, you have to study more. Everything can be learned. You can learn whatever you want. So that you can achieve your goals. Invest 3% of your income on yourself.
Make yourself an appreciating asset. Before starting work everyday, read something related to your work for an hour. Experts say that to get mastery in anything, it takes 7 years or 10000 hours of hard work. An average person does an average job. Earns only an average income. If you’re not getting better.
So you’re getting screwed. No one stays in one place for long. You have to give just 2 hours everyday. To become superior from average, make a habit of continuous learning.
If you will increase your productivity output by just 1/10 × 1% everyday. So you will be 2% better in 1 month. In a year, 26% will be 1000% better in 10 years. Your income will also increase. All you have to do is increase your productivity by 1/10 to 1% every day.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Have Courage.
dare to. Courage does not mean that you are not afraid. Courage means controlling your fear. The brave man trains himself. To face fear. Whereas a coward lets fear control himself. No one is born with fear. So you can forget your fear.
We are often afraid of defeat and poverty. That’s why people avoid risk. They miss opportunities. Fear makes a person crippled. So say it again and again. I Can Do It means I can do it. I will not give up. Bring courage in yourself.
To face fear. Recognize your fear and walk towards it. Then the fear will gradually subside. When the fear subsides. Then the courage grows. The companion of fear is worry. whenever you worry.
So fill out a disaster report. By which your worries will end immediately. There are 4 parts to a Disaster Report. Write down your concern first. Then find out if this concern turns out to be true. So what will be the situation? Then accept that situation. Then start preparing immediately. so that the situation would improve. Fear has an antidote. Walk towards your goals.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
Never stop trying. Self discipline is to keep working continuously. Let there be any obstacle. You still have to stand still. Every time you do something, you discipline yourself. So your self-esteem increases. So tell yourself every time. No one can stop me I will never give up. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. How many times have you fallen? It doesn’t matter. How many times do you stand up again? That’s important.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
According to a research, 80% of what we get in life. We get that from those works. Which we only do 20%. So make a list of all that work. what you do All the big and small things.
You select one such work from that list. Which is very important. Then circle it. Then select the second most important task. Then recognize the third most important thing. Discipline yourself. To do these three things for as long as possible. Which, by working hard on the wrong job, can spoil your career.
Be A Leader.
Leaders have vision. They have the ability. To think about the future of your organization. He shares the same thought with everyone. To make that idea a reality. You become the leader then. When you take responsibility for the result. A leader understands. Whatever he says about others. It is magnified.
That’s why he praises in front of everyone. When someone has a problem. So talks to him alone. He does not take anything for granted. He asks a lot of questions. So that they know everything about the situation.
He takes responsibility. It behaves like this too. As if that organization is their own. The definition of success is the ability to solve the problem.
(No Excuses Book Summary)
So, this is the short summary of the “No Excuses Book By Brian Tracy” . hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like The 5 second rule , The magic of big thinking , Finish book by john acuff, Hooked book summary, Purple Cow Book Summary, Rework (businesses important lessons) etc in my blog section.
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