Learn To Control Your Emotions Easily.

(Master Your Emotions Book Summary)
Experts say that Emotions means – Energy in Motion. In the life of a successful man, emotions are very important. It is also said that if you have to maintain a good relationship with your brain. So change your thoughts. Work on your thinking and Literally believe me it works.
Have you reacted emotionally to someone in the some particular situation? Then after that, you have regrets. I shouldn’t have reacted so emotionally. Or if you want that you have 100% control over your emotions. That would have been great.
But at the same time you also feel that controlling emotions is very difficult. You cannot control your Emotions. So after reading author Thibaut Meurisse’s Book Master Your Emotions, your belief will change completely.
The author says that whatever emotions you are feeling right now. You, yourself have choosen to feel those emotions. You are the source of your emotions. Because you create them. Because according to the author, whenever you want, whatever you want. You can feel that way. You don’t need any reason for that.
If you are feeling sad right now. So by thinking about all the things you are grateful for now. You will start feeling happy immediately. Authors say, your attitude towards life affects your happiness.
Rather than what happens to you and how. Therefore, to live a happy and successful life, it is very important to have control over our emotions. Which we can learn from the author from this book, with these practical steps.
With the help of this book, you will be able to know those aspects of your emotions in details. That by overcoming the fear limitations, you will be able to become that person. Who you truly want to be. This book has changed the lives of many people. There is a disease inside every human being. Which can kill him or her from inside.
How the emotions actually formed?
We experience all kinds of emotions in our life. So that’s what it means. That this is the most important subject of our life. But sadly, neither of our school told about this topic. Neither our family members told us.
It is very important for us to understand our emotions and master it. We have many different emotions. There are some such emotions. Over which we have no control. There are some like that. On which we do not have control.
So life becomes very difficult. In some situations, expressing your emotions is also very important. If you can’t express it. Then life seems meaningless. You should also know how to divert your emotions.
Like when you get very angry. So learn to control it. now the question arise into your mind is that how we can actually control our anger at that time? so the very basic thing is to do at that particular time is to think practically about whatever the situation is, and secondly you can try to simply Divert your mind towards any other emotions. Have you ever thought. Our mind often likes negative things more. Now the question is why does this happen.
The answer is that our mind is designed for survival. The biggest example of this is – fear of rejection. Even in earlier times, if the tribe refused to adopt you. So the probability of your survival used to be very less.
From then till today, we have genetically engraved that thing in some way or the other. Someone has rejected your proposal. Your boss rejected your job. Or your teacher may not have accepted your project.
Then Your Brain Started Creating the Worst Situation. Will I get a job now or not? Will I be able to pass in this exam or not? This is why those rejections are so painful.
After rejection, you are not able to remove yourself from negative emotions. You start doubting your ability. After the rejection, you start cursing your luck. You only see evil in yourself. The author says, the first task of the mind, you do not have to do anything. Their focus is more on our survival.
Have you ever heard about Dopamine Happy Hormone? This is what is released from a specific area of our brain. When after doing or watching some work, we get more pleasure. Even if it is kept in front of us, it is delicious food. Or watch your favorite movie.
The interesting thing is that you do not even know about it. Many businessmen are making crores of revenue by artificially generating Dopamine. The biggest example of this is social media.
Which, by using these psychology, takes away your most valuable thing. That’s your time. The happiness that you are getting from scrolling Facebook. Basically, dopamine is released.
It is that version of happiness. Which, later on, will make you unhappy. The author continues. Mere fear of rejection does not control our emotion. Rather, Ego is also an equal partner.
Because your ego is always trying to make you happy. The world doesn’t mean anything to him. But when your ego gets hurt. So this releases many emotions. Whether it is of sadness, frustration, depression or anger. So we should learn how to control it.
What Impact Your Emotions.
The simple answer to this is found in the GIGO Principle. GIGO, its simple definition is – Garbage in, Garbage out. If you do something wrong, speak wrong, think in the wrong terms, The outcome is going to leave you wrong. If you do well, speak well, think well, The outcome is going to well.
Suppose, you saw your friend playing a video game. So you too, will have the desire to buy it. With the same eyes, when you listen to someone’s motivational speech. So will motivate you. To achieve success, you will be passionate.
This means that your one brain had two different outcomes. You just have to decide this. What do you want to experience? Our emotion is influenced by many factors. What are you feeling?
If you look at the emotions reaction emanating from those survival mechanisms. So most of the emotion is the result of our thoughts. Yet it alone, is not responsible for this. That your body, your voice, what you eat. How well do you sleep?
How Emotions Impact Your Sleep.
You must have noticed this at some point or the other. When you do social media or chat with your friend all night. Or while watching a movie, you stay up all night. So somewhere you are sacrificing your basic needs. Which is our sleep.
After which, its side effect is seen the next morning. You feel very lazy. Whatever the target you had decided will left over and this will definitely going to generate a feeling of regret in future.
I will do the whole job well. He won’t be able to. Good sleep is very important. To concentrate on your work, only negative emotions will come. Further the author has also told that in 2016, research by an organization has revealed.
People who sleep less than 6 hours. Their motility rate increases by 30%. In comparison, people who get 7 to 9 hours of full sleep. Now the question is how you have to improve the quality of your sleep.
Make Your Bed Pitch Black.
Meaning turn off the light or bring a sleep mask from the market. Avoid music in electronics devices such as smartphones, TVs and relax your mind.
Similarly, our body language, thoughts and our environment have a profound effect on your emotions. That is, you have to run away from the company of those people. Which often demotivate you.
How to Change Your Emotions.
You must have seen this thing often. Often your brain rejects NOW. Keeps trying to run away from it. But if you start accepting Now. So in turn, it will reduce your oncoming pain. The author has taught in this chapter how we can avoid our negative emotions.
By balancing it, one can become a positive person in the remaining life. But before talking about it, we must understand this. That’s how emotions are formed. The author has said that there are two forms of negative emotions. The first negative emotion, which we do through spontaneous experience.
This emotion can keep you alive. As if our ancestors would have seen some dreaded lion. So he used to release fearful emotions. But after the lion, his fearful emotion would go away.
The second negative emotion is that, for which we do not need an external event. Which keeps on growing in our own mind. Let us understand this with an example. Suppose we are running short of money. So every second of the day, money related thoughts will keep coming in your mind.
As a result of which, you will have tension and nervousness. But Emotions are Just Emotion. You can drive it away by following some simple tricks. Author says that you think once and see. If the owner of any Pet Dogs throws him out of the house. So wouldn’t he have felt bad? Would he be a victim of depression?
Even if there were. So how does he fix himself? If we don’t know the answer. Still, this much can be said with certainty. that they find their own way. You should do the same thing.
From minor trauma i.e. negativity, if you have to come out. So you have to distract yourself. To do something In which your complete attention is needed. If it is a matter of deep emotion, depression. Obviously, it will take you a long time to get out of it. To avoid this, take out the plain paper.
How to Use Your Emotions to Grow In Life.
We have created a wrong image of emotions. Most people underestimate. People think that because of them, we have become weak. First of all, you guys will tell the truth about this. When did you become independent? Even if there is success, then for what? I know you have stumbled at some point in your life.
So he taught you a lot. Well that was a big lesson. Do you know that life is incomplete without emotions. It is important that you be aware of this. Always remember three things in life.
- Always be aware of your emotions.
- Keep conditioning your mind.
- Keep writing about Emotions. By writing about it, you will know. There are so many small reasons. Because of which, you have spent the whole time upset. Similarly record your emotions. Give it a rating as the movie of your life. How is your life performance going? Whenever you get stuck in the corner of life. So you can follow 3 steps to get out of it.
- Make a list of all the tasks.
- Analyze it.
- What is most important in that. Identify him. First complete the identify task. After that the magic will happen. He will definitely change your life. In everyone’s life, sometimes a difficult phase comes. In which we feel completely trapped. It seems as if happiness will never be found. It’s just dark everywhere. But look today. That time too has passed. But some things, some things or people still bother today. So first for them, change your belief. Then the emotions will automatically change.
To keep negative things or thoughts in your mind for many years is to hurt yourself. put an end to it For that you also have to make a phone call. Had to hug. Had to apologize. You have to type a simple message. So don’t be late. In our small life, we want to give space only to happiness. So for that, we also have to make space.
No external situation, person or event is playing with you. He is just playing with your emotion. That person or event is very close to you. So the effect is bound to happen. But be aware. (Master Your Emotions Book Summary)
Don’t get hurt too much by anything. Emotions will get hurt. But don’t let yourself break down. Because there is no one else to break you. You are yourself Do you feel that the remote control of your happiness is in your hands. If it is, then nothing can be better in your life than this. But if your answer is no.
So understand. The time to convert this answer to yes is now. Because your emotions affect your life a lot. If you are in a positive state of mind. So your confidence is high. (master your emotions book summary)
It is easy to adopt new challenges. Your life gets better. It is easy to come out of your comfort zone. You have good ideas. You become a creative person. It becomes easy to develop many more positive emotions in oneself.
So, this is the short summary of the “Master Your Emotions Book” . hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like :
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