Make Your Bed Book Summary (3 Important Lessons)

Small things can completely change your life

Make Your Bed Book Summary

In the ‘Make Your Bed’ Book (Summary) released in the year 2017, the author has shared valuable experiences of his life. One thing is certain that these valuable experiences of the author will definitely bring positive changes in your life. So take some time out of your busy time and read this book.

Start your day by making your bed well.

The answer to this seemingly obvious question is that sometimes simple things in life bring big changes. Light has been thrown on these aspects in this book. Now it must be coming in your mind that what small things can make a difference in life. Let me tell you on this that you make your bed early in the morning? Even such a simple-looking thing can bring a big change in your life.

The writer has spent his time in both Afghanistan and Iraq during his time as a Navy officer. During this, he has also learned many important things related to life. In this book, the author has given many suggestions to the readers. He has also told that why one should never give up in life? With this, he has told how small things can bring big changes in your life. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

If you’ve ever seen a movie where young soldiers struggled through boot camp, you might have noticed their beds and how they keep them organized and clean.

This may seem like a small thing to you. But cleaning your bed in the morning can definitely start your day in the right direction. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

The author and his cadet members were taught the art of bed-cleaning as basic training in Coronado, California. Along with this, he was also told that after getting up, the first thing he has to do is that he can make his bed.

There used to be a bed making code for this as well. Everyone had to follow this code. If someone did not follow this code, then he used to get proper punishment for it. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

Now you must be thinking that what is the big deal in making your own bed? Anyone can do this. Maybe, you are right too. But doing one thing in the right way in the morning and that too everyday. Dedication is needed for this.

Another important thing that the author has learned in his military life is that it is very important to understand the importance of his teammate.

Never judge a book by its cover, don’t expect ease from life.

Have you ever been surprised by someone in your life? Means someone who seems boring to you at first, then today he is your good friend. This means that one should never judge a person on the basis of his personality. If you also want to form an opinion about someone, then first you try to test his heart.

The opposite scenario can also be true. It may also happen that you trust a stranger too much, then you come to know that that person was not like that at all. Therefore, before trusting anyone, you must ask yourself a question that do I know this person well?

If your heart gives testimony and your mind supports, then only you will trust a stranger completely. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

The author shares an anecdote here. He tells that when he was in college and looking at his career in the Navy. Then he joined a firm to know more about this field. There he saw a boy. His name was Tom Norris. Seeing the thin, lean and bald looking boy, no one could say that he would ever become a Navy officer. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

But then the same boy fought the battle in Vietnam as a lieutenant and also became the hero of that war. He saved the lives of many innocent people by risking his life. He had fought that war so bravely that he had also suffered many injuries.

This gives us another lesson in life. It is that we should not expect life to be always easy. The writer had to go through many difficult situations during his training. He had learned during that training that life brings many challenges in front of you. Now it is up to you whether you face those challenges or become afraid of them and fall prey to some disease. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

The only advice that the author wants to give to the readers is that no matter how big the problems in life come? You always have to keep in mind that after every dark night there comes a morning. All you have to do is wait patiently for that morning.

Many times in life it happens that failure gives us a lot of trouble. But this does not mean that we should keep that failure inside us. We should always keep our mind open. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

The team the writer was part of during underwater training in the Navy. That team used to come mostly last. Now a way in front of the writer was to leave the training fearing his failure or to identify where he was making a mistake?

The author took another route. Walking the other way, he realized that a person should never give up. He just needs to change his attitude. If a person changes his attitude, then no one can stop him from being successful and happy in life.

Failure also teaches you to take risks. If you want to do something big then you have to take big risk. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

It is also true that there is a different fun in comfort. But if you stay in your comfort zone then you will never understand the value of risk. And if you do not understand the value of risk, then believe that you cannot cover very long distances.

The author shares the story of the year 2004. Such a situation had come during the war in Iraq. When he had to make a difficult decision. There was also a lot of risk in this decision. But he chose the risk and spoke to take the mission forward. The result was such that his team got success in the mission. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

Talking about this success, the author states that risk was a big contributor behind it. If he had stopped in fear at that time, then his team would never have got such great success. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

So if you get such an opportunity in your life that you can take risk wisely. So you should take the risk backing your decision. Remember, the bigger the risk, the better will be the taste of your success.

Keep moving towards your goal, have courage, victory will surely be yours.

Life will put many challenges in front of you. There will come a time when only your loved ones will betray you. Then you have to take care that you do not have to be weak. If you become weak, then your courage will also become weak.

Whenever trouble comes knocking at your door in life, then you have to be the best version of yourself. If you can be the best version of yourself. Only then can you face the struggles of life. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

There will come a time when you will feel that you run away from your problems. But if you do this then it will be your biggest mistake. Running away can never be the solution to anything. So always embrace the struggle. Struggle will give you the real joy of life. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

If you are scared of anything. So only one thing can get you out of that situation. That thing is courage. Always carry this thing with you. If courage becomes your companion, then no difficulty in life can spoil anything for you.

Develop the nature of “Never Quiet” within yourself. First of all, think how did you feel after hearing this? Do you enjoy hearing this? Sometimes there come such phases in life. When everything doesn’t go according to you. Sometimes you even think that why shouldn’t I leave everything. But then you talk to a friend of yours. That friend shows you a new angle. Nothing much changes, only your attitude changes.

All these things show how big a change one person can bring in your life. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

In this way we have also moved towards this final chapter. In this chapter we will learn that we should never run away. We have to keep moving towards our goal. We have to make it our habit that until we get it, we will not leave it. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

This feeling is so beautiful. This feeling is very good even when everything is not going well in your life. If you are going through a difficult time. Even then you have to remember that good times are yet to come. (Make your Bed Book Summary In

Remember never to blame yourself or others when you have a bad time. Remember life gives you what you make of it. So always believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, then one day will surely come when life will also trust in you. (Make your Bed Book Summary)

From this trust is born of duty, keep on performing your duties honestly. As honestly as you look at your life. Life will equally honestly give you something better.

So, this is the short summary of the comfort crisis book. hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like The 5 second rule , The magic of big thinking , Finish book by john acuffHooked book summary in my blog section.

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