Keep Sharp aims to dispel widespread misconceptions regarding cognitive ageing. Additionally, give you life pillars you can build on to safeguard yourself as you age. The general consensus in society is that we have a specific amount of neurons when we are born, and that these neurons only get fewer as we get older. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon, thinks the science supports the opposite. According to recent study, using evidence-based strategies can help us grow new brain cells and connections.

Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay Gupta is a neurosurgeon, medical journalist, and author from the United States. He oversees the neurosurgery department at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, as its assistant chief. In addition to serving as CNN’s top medical correspondent, Gupta is an associate professor of neurosurgery at Emory University School of Medicine.
Gupta is well known for his frequent TV appearances on medical topics. He has frequently contributed to various CNN programmes that have covered the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Gupta is the host of Sanjay Gupta MD on CNN, for which he has received numerous Emmy Awards. Chasing Life, a six-part miniseries, was also anchored by Gupta.
Growing Brain Cells
It was once believed that neurons, which are brain cells, could only develop in two phases. Especially if you experienced a brain injury or were very young and your brain was still developing. Neurogenesis is the process of new neural growth. Recent studies have revealed that a healthy adult life free of trauma is linked to new neuronal growth. The importance of selecting the optimal strategies to guarantee that our brains continue to develop rather than deteriorate is demonstrated through observation of growth in adult life.
The Secret to Good Health Is in Your Brain
Has a doctor ever emphasised the value of maintaining good brain health in addition to the necessity of using a helmet when riding a bicycle? Most likely not. (Sanjay Gupta)
Gupta makes the argument that indicators of health, such as body weight, cholesterol levels, and heart health, are virtually always taken into account. This, however, means that we frequently overlook the brain. This is demonstrated in the medical community as well, where talk about the brain only occurs after a patient is already ill. In Keep Sharp, Gupta makes the case that prioritizing your brain will cause all other aspects of your health to fall into place.
You won’t be able to make wise selections without a healthy brain. On the other hand, if you priorities using your brain, you may begin making choices that will help you achieve a healthy body, weight, and heart. Additionally, you will be happier since you will have more confidence and healthier connections.
Have a Restful Night’s Sleep
Although there are many general health advantages to getting enough sleep, the influence on your brain may be its most significant advantage. While you sleep, your brain consolidates memories rather than just relaxing. A restful night’s sleep is essential for effectively incorporating new knowledge from the day into your overall narrative. Sleep also aids in forgetting little details from the previous day so that you may concentrate more on what matters. Gupta considers seven to nine hours of sleep to be a decent night’s rest.
Researchers just discovered another advantage of sleep: it provides a brain-rinse cycle. Your body performs specific fundamental metabolic processes and eliminates specific waste from your brain. Compared to when you are awake, this time period is more effective for these activities. As a result, you need to start giving your sleep top priority.
10 Destructive Myths About the Brain
The Brain Is Still Totally Unknown
The brain is a very sophisticated organ. However, scientists now have a thorough grasp of the parts and connections of the brain. Our knowledge of neuroscience is expanding rapidly, and this trend will only continue.
Those who are older are destined to forget things
Because we lose brain cells as we age, cognitive capacities will deteriorate. However, there are a number of advantages to getting older. For instance, as you become older, you probably will have a larger vocabulary and a greater sense of morality. In a similar vein, older adults are typically better at handling disputes. As a result, a modest loss in memory is possible. You will have grown stronger in other areas as you age, though.
Aging always results in dementia.
A brain condition known as dementia. Thus, not all elderly individuals will experience dementia. Cognitive decline and a weakened memory are common age-related changes, although this does not guarantee dementia. Additionally, dementias can be prevented and these age-related alterations can be slowed down.
Older individuals can’t pick up new skills.
A new skill can be acquired at any point in your life. Although it gets tougher as you get older to do things like learn a language, it is still feasible.
One language must be mastered before learning another.
Dual language learning will take more time, but it does not imply it is a terrible concept. Because your brain does not compete for knowledge, you can learn two things simultaneously. In fact, studies show that bilingual kids know more about language morphology in general.
A Memory-Training Individual Never Forgets.
Muscle memory is similar. We either use it or we don’t. Therefore, if they didn’t keep practising, even memory champions would start to lose their skills. As you become older, practising is important.
We only use 10% of our brains.
This claim is absurd in terms of evolution, according to Gupta. Why our brain would restrict 90% of our potential defies logic. The development and maintenance of the brain require a lot of energy. Therefore, carrying around extra brain tissue that isn’t being used makes no sense.
The Differences between the Male and Female Brains that Determine Intelligence
The way the brain functions differs between the sexes due to biological variances. This distinction does not, however, result in one sex being more prepared than the other. The best way to conceive of this is that each of our brains is different. Despite this, everyone has the ability to learn, remember, and comprehend the environment in which they live.
A crossword puzzle each day can stave off illness.
Crossword puzzles only make use of a small area of your brain. As a result, they can be helpful for word finding but won’t sufficiently challenge your mind to keep it fresh. In general, doing things like crossword puzzles should keep your brain more active. There is evidence to support the idea that mental activity can slow cognitive ageing.
Either your left or right brain controls you.
Two halves of your brain make up each hemisphere. Your left side is geared for speaking, whereas your right side is specialised for emotional expressiveness. However, evidence from studies indicates that both hemispheres frequently cooperate. As a result, we are unable to categorise people as left- or right-brained.
5 Pillars to Keep a Sharp Mind
Gupta offers readers five strategies they can use in their daily lives to maintain mental acuity as he wraps off the book. These pillars are crucial for promoting optimal cognitive function in old age and are validated by scientific research.
Pillar #1 Action
“Exercise can hasten recovery after injury, stroke, or major emotional stress, acting as a first-aid kit for damaged brain cells.” (Sanjay Gupta)
Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise have positive effects on the body and the mind. Gupta advises that you always exercise before going to your desk for the day. A yoga class or a simple push-up might serve as an example of this exercise’s complexity. Blood flow, which is crucial for the preservation and repair of brain cells, is aided by movement.
pillar #2 Learn
Your brain will develop new connections as a result of participating in a novel activity. In essence, your brain will become stronger. Try, for instance, to take up a new interest as frequently as you can.
pillar #3 Unwind
Your body needs to relax, but your brain also needs to relax. Your memory will suffer if you put too much pressure on yourself. Similarly, your brain won’t heal as well if you don’t get enough sleep. Finally, stress might make it difficult for you to pick up new abilities and adjust to novel circumstances.
pillar #4: Feed
Your nutrition is crucial to the health of your brain. Recent years have seen a deeper understanding of the impact of nutrition on brain function thanks to the field of gut research. Consuming nutritious meals, such as nuts, seeds, and whole foods, is frequently linked to reducing cognitive ageing. Consuming diets heavy in sugar, saturated fat, and trans fat, on the other hand, has been linked to brain deterioration.
Pillar #5 Connect
High levels of socializing are compared to a healthy indicator, it seems. (Sanjay Gupta)
Face-to-face interaction and interpersonal connections are much more powerful than solving a crossword puzzle on your own. It has been discovered that having a broad social network enhances brain plasticity and aids in the maintenance of cognitive ability.
If you have any more insights or would like to share what you have learned, please leave a comment below.
Keep Sharp Book Review
“Keep Sharp” is a book written by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and chief medical correspondent for CNN. The book provides a comprehensive guide to maintaining cognitive health and preventing memory loss as one ages.
In “Keep Sharp,” Dr. Gupta draws on the latest scientific research to provide practical advice on how to maintain and improve brain health. He covers topics such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and mental stimulation. He also provides tips on how to optimize brain function, reduce the risk of memory loss and age-related cognitive decline, and improve overall brain health.
The book is written in an easy-to-read and accessible style, making it a useful resource for anyone looking to improve their brain health. Throughout the book, Dr. Gupta provides practical tips and exercises to help readers maintain and improve their cognitive abilities.
Overall, “Keep Sharp” is a well-researched and highly informative book that provides valuable insights into maintaining and improving brain health. Whether you are looking to prevent memory loss, improve your cognitive abilities, or simply learn more about brain health, this book is a valuable resource.
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