some tips for a happy life.

(Inner Engineering Book Summary)
Why do we need Inner Engineering? Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev ji tells us. Today which is the process of our livelihood. He’s better than ever. Today we can buy things of the year, supermarkets. He also left the house without leaving the house. For the first Raja-Maharajas, what was a rarity. Today it is in the hands of common man. But with that, we have created a lot of complications.
(Inner Engineering Book Summary)
A lot of stress, we have created. Because thousands of years ago, our ancestors were so happy. Not as much as we are today. For thousands of years, we have had this understanding.
If we correct the conditions outside. Then the situation inside us will be fine. But says Sadhguru. The method which, for thousands of years, did not prove to be effective. How can it prove to be effective in the future?
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now is the time. To fix the situation inside means that of inner engineering. He says that for this we have to do only one thing. Little changes have to be brought in your direction. We have to understand this.
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That which is the basis and source of all our experience. He is within us. If you become happy from inside. So it is called bliss and peace. If the environment around you becomes happy.
So it is called success. But to achieve success, it is very important to be happy. On a psychological basis, if we become happy from inside. So our capabilities increase manifold. If we want to enjoy food. So we have to be happy from inside. If you want to enjoy your family and kin. So first you have to be happy inside.
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Happiness is not the ultimate goal. There is no end goal. This is essential before starting any work. But today being happy has become a challenge for us. To fix the situation inside, to be happy inside. We started destroying things outside. If it continues like this. Then the whole earth will be destroyed.
But we will never be okay inside. Inside we are not going to be happy. Because whatever we feel. We feel it within ourselves. whatever we see. He sees within himself. When we look at a book. So does his image get created outside?
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understand freedom of responsibility.
You have to realize this today. You are whoever you are and whoever you are not. That is only because of you. We are the creator of our life. So first of all we have to take responsibility for it. of your life. So why do you have to do this? Because when you take responsibility. Then you have freedom. To deal with that situation, you have many options.
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If we don’t take responsibility. So we have no option left. Except blaming others or getting angry. when we get angry. So we produce poison in our body. Our body becomes completely toxic.
That’s why we get angry. Because we believe that our mind which is disturbed. It happened because of someone else. Then we get busy in improving others.
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Others never improve. Because they are not in our control. But our state of mind is under our control. So we have to understand, first of all, freedom of responsibility. If we take responsibility of our life. So we experience freedom. Then we get many options. To come out of that particular situation.
understand the science of yoga.
We have to understand the science of yoga. Because our capabilities are unlimited. It teaches us the science of yoga. Yoga keeps the condition inside us the same. As we want to keep it. When on the inside, there is harmony. So everything starts working in a very beautiful way. Then our best abilities begin to manifest. Sadhguru says that some religious forefathers have kept every beautiful thing related to man in another world.
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If you talk about happiness. So he will talk of supernatural bliss. If you talk about peace. So he will talk of divine peace. If you talk about love. So he will talk about the love of God. If we want to realize all this. So we have to go to another world for that. You have to go to heaven. In this birth of human being, then it is not possible.
But the Sadhguru says. These are all our human qualities. We can feel all this love, peace and joy while still being human. Most of the talk of God and heaven happens because of this.
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Because we have forgotten the enormity of being human. Yoga does not make us superhuman. He just makes us feel that. Being human is great in itself. According to the science of yoga, we have five bodies.
Physical Body – Means the food we consume. The body that is made of it. It is called Annamayi Kosha.
Mental Body – It is called Manomayi Kosha i.e. mental body. In this mental body, whatever negative thoughts come. Because of that, Psychosomatic Disorder occurs. Meaning, its effect also comes on our physical body. Both the manomaya kosha and the annamaya kosha are linked to each other. Because our mind is not only in the brain. If it was only in the brain. So diseases come only in the brain.
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But every cell in our body has its own intelligence. It is completely a mental body. Hence the change that takes place in the mental body. It has an effect on the physical body.
Changes that take place in the physical body. It has an effect on our mental body. If our physical body is hardware. So the mental body is software.
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Energy Body – It is also called Pranamayai Kosha i.e. energy body. The energy body works to flow energy to our hardware and software. If the energy body, ours remains balanced. So in our mental body and physical body, no diseases come.
Wisdom Body – It is also called the body of knowledge. Knowledge means information. So special knowledge means extraordinary knowledge. This is the dimension of our body. It contains extraordinary information. It is beyond the five senses.
Blissful Body – This is called anandmayi kosha. It is completely immaterial. If we touch this dimension of the body. So we become totally, blissful. It breaks the boundaries of time and space. There are stories of many such yogis. Who used to meditate while sitting in one place for a long time.
How was it possible to meditate in one place for a long time? He would have touched this dimension of the body. Therefore, for them the boundaries of time and space were completely over.
If our physical, mental and energy body becomes balanced. So we enter this dimension. Through yoga and sadhana, we can create balance in the physical, mental and energy body.
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Is our body a wonderful machine.
In fact, our body is the wonderful machine of this world. All the machines of the world have come out of this machine. But do we make full use of its potential? Sadhguru says that we do not use even 1% of our body’s capabilities. Less than 1% of our body’s capacity is needed just to survive and survive.
We are doing very little work with our bodies. That’s why this is happening. Because of our intellectual level. It is limited to the physical level only.
Yoga teaches us that our body, which is the five senses. Beyond that, how do we harness its capabilities. Because our body. He has the ability to download the entire universe. If we keep our body in the right position. So you can get complete information about the universe. To illustrate this point, Sadhguru gives an example from his life.
For a few years, Sadhguru ji lived in a farm house. In a nearby village, a man lived. Who rarely listened. People thought him a fool. Because he did not answer anyone’s words. The Sadhguru hired that person.
One day the man started plowing the field at 4:00 in the morning. Sadhguru asked what are you doing. Because it hasn’t rained. The sky above is very clear. There is no chance of rain. Even then, why are you plowing the field? That person said with great confidence. That Swamiji it is going to rain today. It really rained that day.
Sadhguru was very surprised. He began to think that what this person understood. Why didn’t she understand me? By moving his hand here and there, he tried to get an idea of the humidity and temperature.
Tried to read the sky. He read many books related to weather. But they did not get the answer. But by continuously making efforts in that direction. After 18 months, he mastered it. Sadhguru says if I speak.
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It is going to rain today. So its chances are 95%. This is not magic or astrology. Our body is made up of five elements. He gives us this information.
breathing exercises.
Sadhguru ji says what you have to do. Every day for 5 minutes, you have to sit in the state of meditation. Have to close the eyes. Let the breath be still. You will find that slowly your breathing is getting steady. What does it mean to be breathless? Sadhguru explains that a common person takes 12 to 15 breaths in a minute.
If these breaths become steady at 12. So in your environment, what’s going to change. You become receptive to it. You start to understand. What is going to change in the environment around you? If these breaths become steady at 9. So you start understanding the language of beings. If these breaths become steady at 6. So you become sensitive to the changes of this earth.
Same if it settles down on breath 3. So Sadhguru says that you become completely receptive to the grace of the universe. But one thing, we have to keep in mind here. We don’t have to force our breath. Nor does it have to be forced down. You just have to keep practising. Slowly our breathing starts to become steady.
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Which food is good – non-vegetarian or vegetarian.
Along with all this, you also have to pay attention to food to increase the capabilities of your body. Which food is good for us vegetarian or non-vegetarian? Sadhguru ji says. We should not get into this debate. This is what our body tells us. What type of food is right for him. With the kind of food, you feel very energetic. You should eat the same food.
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One fact you have to understand. If you eat raw meat. So it takes 70 to 72 hours for it to come out of our system. It stays in our body for 70 to 72 hours. If you eat cooked meat. So it takes 50 to 52 hours for this. If you eat cooked vegetables. So for that it takes 24 to 28 hours. If you eat raw vegetables. So for that it takes 12 to 15 hours.
(Inner Engineering Book Summary)
Same if you eat fruit. So for that it takes 3/2 to 3 hours. What is the nature of your work? How is your taste? According to that, you have to choose your food. Along with this, Sadhguru ji says that you have to understand your digestive system as well. The food we consume. Accordingly, our body produces acid or acid.
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But if you are eating many types of food at once. So our body gets confused. Then it produces acid and base together. The food we have taken. It stays in our stomach for a long time. He doesn’t come out quickly. But it starts to rot.
Importance of fasting for our body.
Sadhguru says that the chakra of our body. It is completed in 48 to 40 days. There are 3 days like this in this round. In which our body does not need food. That means three days. You can even live without food. Because it is also the time of cleaning our body. But this in 48 to 40 days, what are those 3 days. Where we do not need to eat food.
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How will we understand this? Because we are not very sensitive towards our body. That’s why we don’t know which day it is. The day we don’t need to eat food.
That is why our sages have kept Ekadashi as a day of fasting. You can fast on that day. According to our Indian calendar, it comes on the 11th day of the moon.
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importance of mind.
For Inner Engineering, we have to understand our mind as well. Sadhguru ji asks us if you want to be the person you want to live life. Or want to be a person who thinks about life. Because for most people, their life is 90% that part. They start thinking about life. You know that our earth is rotating through time. This is no simple matter. This is a very supernatural event.
The whole sky ganga is running on time. The whole universe is working in a very perfect way. But in our mind, a small, lousy idea comes to our mind. Then spoils our whole day. why does this happen. Because our intellect attaches its identity to a particular thing. To which we associate identity.
Accordingly, we also get ideas. If we assume that we are human. So we will get the same type of thoughts. You will feel the same feelings. If we associate ourselves with any nation or religion. So our mind works in that realm. The same type of thoughts keep coming to us. But when death comes.
(Inner Engineering Book Summary)
So all this identity of ours ends. Sadhguru says. If you became aware before death came. So all these troubles, we will never again in life.
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