Even today, many steel, automobile and Fmcg companies have to struggle a lot to become a billion dollar business, but online platforms like tiktok, youtube, instagram become billion dollar business in a few years, do you know what is its reason, its reason is our attention Economy.
In the beginning of history, people used to earn money by doing farming, that is, there was an agricultural economy, after that came the industrial economy and now we are living in the attention economy.
Today Ad, Movie, TV, Songs, Newspaper, Company and Government all need your attention, do you know what is the reason for this? Whenever something is able to gain and hold your attention, it can slowly manipulate your influence. Can make part means your attention can be used positively and can also be used negatively.
For many people, it has become very difficult to focus on one thing even for a short time. A research shows that if a website takes a little more than 3 to 4 seconds to open, then more than 20% of people close that site, 50% of people do not go back to the restaurant where there is Crowd and Have to wait.
An Amazon study has shown that if their website is delayed for a few seconds, then they can lose over $ 1.6 billion every year. By giving all these examples, I just want to explain to you how distracted we are living life these days and something similar happened with Canadian author and productivity consultant chris bailey, he says that his life becomes become series of-screen That means he used to stay in front of the screen from morning till evening.
The screen of his mobile while getting up, the screen of his computer in the office, the screen of his smartwatch to see the time, the screen of the billboard while traveling from home to office and not knowing how many screens were eating up his attention but the author wanted to change himself. That’s why he traveled around the world for years, did a lot of research on focus and attention, met scientists and experts and wrote a book called Hyper Focus.
According to “Timothy Wilson” Professor of Psychology of the University of Virginia, the human brain receives 11 million bits of information from its environment every second, but brain only processes 40 bits of information, that means, our brain also has an attentional space.
Attentional space means our mental capacity to focus on anything and process it, Attention space is also called Ram of human brain like more RAM in your smartphone it will be able to handle bigger app without hanging.
Similarly, the greater the attentional space of your brain, the more focus you will be able to give to complete your important task, your aim should be to increase your attentional space, getting enough sleep according to the need can also increase your attentional space by 58%. .
Authors say that if you sleep less than an hour, you are losing 2 hours of productivity for the next day, the more tasks you fill in your attentional space, the more you will become distracted, so when it comes to your productivity, then as much The less things you give your attention to, the more productive you will become.
People think that our brain is distracted, but according to research, our brain is not distracted but over-stimulated.
We have to see people’s Instagram stories, we have to check how many likes miles in our photos, we also have to see that what we also have to do that means our brain always needs new information, new experience and this machanism of brain is called novelty bias. Huh.
Just as our body needs food to function properly and what we eat daily, our body is formed, similarly we consume content for our mind, if you see, years ago people made novels for their entertainment. He used to study which took him several weeks to complete, due to which those people had to focus on novels for a very long time, that’s why at that time people’s attention span and ability to focus was very good.
But studies say that people’s attentional span is decreasing year by year, which is also true because after books people started watching TV and watching movies so that they only need 3 hours to release dopamine but now extra funny, Extra stimulating fun to watch content like memes, reels, short videos have made people’s mind hollow because every second from such content your brain gets a dose of dopamine, which keeps your brain stimulating every few seconds and whenever When you do some important work then you start getting bored because your brain has got used to being stimulated every few seconds.
Authors say that as hyperfocus is the most productive mode of our brain, similarly the mode in which our brain is most creative is called scatterfocus mode.
Look, it is also a fact that the maximum great ideas that come to people’s minds do not come when they think, but they come when they are doing other things, for example – Newton got the idea of Gravitational Force when he Were resting under a tree and many such great people have got many great ideas while taking a bath, while cleaning the dishes and even while sitting in the bathroom.
That’s why the scatterfocus mode also says that you must do mindless activities once a day, like going for a walk, cleaning the house, cooking your favorite dish, or observing people sitting, your mind is free from such things. And he connects the things learned in the past in the background.
This is the reason that you get the solutions of many problems suddenly and this is also called Eureka Insight.
The author says that take the disconnection ritual every evening, the author’s favorite ritual is that he does not use the internet from 8 pm to 8 am. He and his wife also have a weekly ritual, they are both completely disconnected from the digital world every Sunday so that they can spend time with nature and family.
If you found this “Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey : Summary and Lessons” helpful, be sure to explore more book summaries for further inspiration and knowledge.