Women neglect their dreams for a variety of justifications.
Women should follow their aspirations without fear of criticism or self-doubt because the world would be a very different place if they did. And if more women could follow their aspirations, the world would unquestionably be a better place. However, the majority of women are not, in fact, pursuing their aspirations.

Our early years have a significant influence on us. We all need attention as kids and worry about what other people may think. However, young girls have additional challenges. It is instilled in young girls that their worth depends on whether or not they make a decent wife or mother. Because of their upbringing, girls and later women learn that pleasing others is more important to them than accomplishing their own goals.
To overcome these obstacles, women must begin to accept other types of dreams. Women must also give up attempting to live up to others’ expectations. Every woman will have different aspirations for their lives. Your gender has no bearing on your dreams. After that, you must quit rationalizing why you are not pursuing your aspirations.
Being Unique is a Good Thing
Rachel talks about how she led a double life for a long time. She was a loving wife and mother in addition to running a tremendously successful lifestyle blog. Rachel then introduced herself as a wife and mother who who just so happened to blog. Rachel started living a second life because she was afraid of people’s opinions. She was specifically aware that mothers frequently reduced their work hours after delivering a kid. However, Rachel was managing a small business while putting in 60-hour work weeks. Rachel persisted in doing her work. But a lot of women would stop working out of fear. They might be worried that people would assume they are not investing enough time in raising their children. Women are essentially telling themselves, “This is not what other women do,” to themselves.
Teenage girls are especially prone to this idea of wanting to be like other women. Although there will always be outliers and rebels, girls tend to stick with the herd. Being like other girls provides comfort for girls. You should, however, consider whether being like other women makes you feel content and pleased. In either case, you shouldn’t let other people decide how valuable you are to yourself. Some mothers find delight in being the sole careers for their children. This is perfectly OK. But it’s also very OK if a woman decides she doesn’t even want kids. Keep doing what makes you happy without making excuses.
Personal development makes time and reduces insecurities
Simply claiming that we don’t have enough time to accomplish our life goals is one of the simplest defences. If you want to accomplish your goals, you must give up this justification. You’ll need to start making time rather than trying to find it in your hectic day. The most important change you can make could involve hard choices and sacrifices.
Accepting responsibility for your life is the first step in making time. Regardless of your daily plan, you must begin managing your time. This ownership may require giving up daily luxuries like midweek TV.
You won’t be upset about missing the most recent episode of a show once you have accomplished your life’s objectives, though.
Second, a timetable that details each hour of your upcoming week will be essential for managing your time. You should try to locate at least five hours each week in this timetable that you can dedicate to working toward your goal. These hours need not be consecutive, but they must be spent fully focused. Pick the times of day that you feel most energetic and productive.
Last but not least, many people cite a lack of talent as a justification for not achieving their goals in life. These emotions can frequently be attributed to past failures or instances in which you were humiliated as a result of other people making fun of your performance. However, your past failures shouldn’t ever stand in the way of your future success. You might have practiced this skill in a situation that didn’t work for you or at a time when you weren’t as driven. You will discover a way to learn and flourish in the necessary abilities if you are enthusiastic and willing.
Failure-related fear should never be a hindrance.
To accomplish our objectives, we occasionally need to be selfish. In order to find time for the demanding coursework and thesis writing that lay ahead, Rachel’s father recalled how his professor had told his class that they had to be selfish. Others would prevent them from exerting the necessary effort if they weren’t self-centered. Therefore, don’t let criticism from others deter you from devoting a lot of time to achieving your objectives. No matter what, some individuals will always be critical. Therefore, disregard their suggestions and follow your own desires.
Fear of failure serves as another roadblock to success. We often aren’t afraid of failing; rather, we’re afraid of what people will think if we do. Rachel provides an illustration of one of her mistakes. She attempted to plan a significant campaign to help one of her earlier works into the New York Times bestseller list. It didn’t happen despite her 850,000 social media followers has tagging all day. This illustration demonstrates that anyone can fail, and that every failure can teach us something. Furthermore, you can only appreciate life’s victories if you’ve experienced failure in the past.
Many women won’t be able to walk beyond the safety net because they will be too afraid to do so since the weight of other people’s opinions will be too much for them to bear. That’s not us, though. Because the opportunity to reach our full potential is worth any negative feedback we receive, we are willing to pursue it, be courageous, and accept it. Some claim that good girls don’t work hard. I’m fine with that, I guess. The world needs to change, not just how people perceive me. (Rachel Hollis)
Adopt Beneficial Habits
For decades, women have been instructed they must practice “proper decorum.” In essence, women were forbidden from discussing money, sex, or personal achievement. Instead, they were instructed to maximise what they had been given. The historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who Rachel references in her book, once said, “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” As a result, disregard what society says and embrace your personal aspirations. Then, decide which helpful habits will assist you in achieving those objectives.
Rachel advises that you first cease requesting permission. Women frequently feel the need to seek for permission because men are frequently granted positions of power. But the only authority you really need is a desire to pursue your life’s objectives.
Second, Rachel advises concentrating just on one dream at a time. By diversifying your hobbies and objectives, you can lower your overall risk of failure. Spreading yourself too thin, however, decreases your chances of achieving any of your major life objectives. Rachel advises that we all use the 10-10-1 strategy so that we may all concentrate on a single objective. Try to envision yourself in ten years. What do you want the current state of your life to look like? This time, picture everything, even the smallest details. Then, list ten dreams that would contribute to bringing about this envisioned future. Finally, choose the one of these ten objectives that, in your opinion, is the most crucial.
10 years, 10 dreams, 1 objective. This one objective needs to be precise and quantifiable.
You’ll want to jot down each of your ten dreams after you’ve created them. Instead of listing your desired goals, you should list them as if you have already attained them. For instance, you should write “I have $20,000 in my bank account” if you want to save $20,000. Keeping a daily journal of these will keep you motivated.
Create a Stable Foundation
Successful people don’t accomplish their objectives on their own. Instead, they around themselves with dependable and encouraging people. Additionally, if they are operating a business, they employ others to carry out menial duties so they may concentrate on the important ones. Therefore, one of the most crucial pieces of advice is to seek assistance when necessary. Additionally, surround yourself with smarter people. If you are the most intelligent person in your neighborhood, you should widen your social circle. You want to be lifted up; you don’t want to be pushed down.
To succeed, we need both a solid foundation and basic practices. First, Rachel contends that success depends on leading a healthy lifestyle.
Morning habits are really crucial. Your morning routine is really referred to by Rachel as the pillar of your foundation. Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. Consequently, creating a healthy morning routine will help you lead a better life. Starting around five in the morning, according to Rachel, is her ideal morning. She gets up at this hour so she can get some work done while her kids are sleeping. During this period, Rachel practices meditation and keeps a notebook. She also records her ten dreams according to the 10-10-1 approach. Then Rachel wakes her kids, gets them ready for school, and drives them there. She then puts on some music, has a morning smoothie, and makes preparations for the day.
Everyone will benefit from certain skills in order to reach their goals.
Anybody may learn certain abilities that are universally helpful.
- Rachel suggests doing a road map activity to improve your planning skills. Create your life’s objective as the destination, then work backward. Consider all of the actions you must take to complete the task. Then, underline the three most crucial milestones and explore any additional valuable ideas that may have arisen.
- Confidence: According to a recent study, males apply for a job if they believe they meet 60% of the requirements for the position. Women, in contrast, will only apply if they are completely qualified. It’s crucial to keep in mind that experience might help us gain the skills required for the job.
- Persistence and effectiveness – There is always more to learn and room for improvement. Be tenacious in your efforts while yet accepting modest, realistic goals. Setting difficult but achievable goals for yourself will increase your effectiveness.
- Leadership and positivity – Being positive is not always simple, but it will keep you in charge of duties. You are making the decision to maintain your positive attitude and resist letting your emotions get the better of you. In addition, even if it may not come naturally to you, everyone has the potential to be a leader.
Final Review Of “Girl, Stop Apologizing Book Summary”
You have to quit making excuses and stop apologising if you want to achieve your goals in life. Because of our poor self-esteem, social pressure, or simple bad habits, we frequently back out of challenges. We need to learn to quit making excuses and stop allowing other people to control our life. Then, and only then, can we succeed.
As they assume the roles and obligations required of them, men and women alike frequently lose their actual selves. They could have a loss of ownership over their own lives as a result of these obligations. You can live life with confidence and the ability to fulfil your aspirations by developing the skills to take charge of your life.
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