ego is the enemy – overview

When you conquer the enemy within you. So the enemy outside cannot harm you. There are many enemies inside. such as laziness, anger and arrogance. A special kind of enemy has been talked about in this book. Whose name is – Ego. It’s that part of our character. Who always thinks well of us. There is nothing wrong with thinking good about yourself. But when you ignore your shortcomings. They also start seeing their wrongdoings with a good eye. So it can be harmful. It has been told in this book that what happens in Ego reality. How can we control it? What are the consequences of not controlling it? (ego is the enemy book summary)
About this Ego, author Ryan Holiday has explained in detail in his book Ego is the enemy. He believes that there are three phases in everyone’s life. First – Aspire, second – success and third – failure. Our ego comes to us in these three phases. to ruin us. It has been told in this book that how our Ego comes to us in these three phases of life. How can we run our life well by avoiding them.(ego is the enemy book summary)
what is EGO?
There is only one difference between Ego and Attitude. Attitude is just one way of living. By showing the same ego that way of living, one has to make oneself bigger. Like every Indian is Asian. But it is not necessary for every Asian to be Indian. In the same way, there is an attitude inside every egoistic person. But every attitude person should have ego. This is not necessary. Nowadays most people connect attitude with ego. but it’s not like that. Ego is much smaller than Attitude. That ego is part of a bad attitude.(ego is the enemy book summary)
For example, who has a good attitude. He will say this, I have capabilities. Which will make me the most successful. There the egoistic person will say. I have so much knowledge. That there is no one else in this world more intelligent than me. Ego can be checked with humility meter. For example, the more humility (humility) there is, the less ego is inside that person. This means ego is indirectly proportional to humility. Now it comes that we are at three phases of our life. What type of ego will you meet? How can they be corrected?(ego is the enemy book summary)
1st phase – aspire.
Before we can do anything, ego tries to ruin us. This is that stage. When we set our goal. going to work for him. You must have also seen many such people. Those who start something at the beginning of every year by making a New Year’s resolution. Then in a few days, turn it off. That’s why it happens. Because he starts that work. Then tell it to the whole world. Look, I have taken this New Year’s resolution. I will change my life.
Many times it has been said that if we tell our goal to the world. Then motivation comes in us. Then we complete that work. But there comes a problem. We just keep on talking. To achieve your goal, nothing works. We just say that he will do that one day. You will earn so much money. He will buy the car. They keep doing many such things. But he forgets to do one thing. which is an action.
Who doesn’t like to talk big. But that’s where the time comes to take action. Then those people disappear from there. There is no problem in telling the world your goals. But then you will get motivation. When you will be accountable to people. If you start getting compliments only after setting the goal. Then what is the need to fulfill it? At the same time, when people ask you whether you will be able to do this. So in you comes the motivation to prove them. You complete that work.
As I speak. So I decided to put two posts every week. I told this goal of mine to everyone. People told me that it would be difficult to write in two different categories, among other things. From there I got motivation. I have been fulfilling that goal of mine till now. The reason for this is also that I do not want to face the neglect of those people. That’s why my efforts and motivation keep motivating me. Now how can you, coming in this phase, eliminate the ego.
First you tell your goals to them. who can make fun of you. So that they get another chance. to make fun of you. I don’t wish you bad. But if you need motivation. So this would be the best way. Then when you do it, tell them. So definitely keep this in your mind. That when you could not reach that goal. So those people will make fun of you a lot. Then work towards that goal. Now you also have a fear of rejection. With Fear of failure. Then you will work twice as fast. You will do everything possible to reach your goal.(ego is the enemy book summary)
2nd phase success.
The ego that comes in this phase can harm us a lot later. To understand this, the author gave a very good example. Howard Hues was the most financially successful person of his time. He saw success for the first time then. When he was 18 years old. After the death of his father. He bought all the shares of his father’s tools company. At that time everyone was saying that it was a wrong decision. Howard Hues will be Bankrupt. but that did not happen.
Because of his decision, he earned billions of dollars. When he found success. Then a lot of ego came in him. He felt that whatever business he would go into. There he will be a success. For this reason, they invest money in different types of businesses. He went to the film industry. Went into aviation business. He also bought RKO movie studio. In which he suffered a lot. And in many other business, he suffered loss. He took a lot of losses. Victor Franklin says, “Man is pushed by drives but he is pulled by values”. Our values and ethics decide this. For how many days, we will be able to stop our success. If we start thinking this. We are the most knowledgeable person. We know everything. Because we have achieved this or have achieved that. So this illusion of ours will be broken very soon. The same thing happened with Howard hues. After getting success so quickly, he started feeling that. He can have everything. Keep giving fuel to your ego. Finally such a time came. He had lost everything in his wealth and power. Now how can you end this ego.(ego is the enemy book summary) Yes, no matter how much success you get. No matter how many books you read or take a degree. Even then you are always smaller than someone or the other. You have to believe this. Many people in this world will be bigger than you in some way or the other. Who would have more knowledge than you, more experience than you, more power than you. If counted. So there will be many such people. That means no matter how hard you try. You will be younger than someone or the other. What do you do now? You awaken this humility in yourself that there are people bigger than me. who know more than me. When you start thinking like this. Then you will have a desire to learn. Because of which, on the fire of ego inside you, water will recede. That’s why the author says so. Because when you feel like you are not really great. Then you do not have the ghost of success riding on you. You grow slowly. (ego is the enemy book summary)
3rd phase Failure.
You must be thinking. How is the ego in being a failure? Because if there is a failure, we lose. All our ego ends. Yes, you got it right. But there are many such people. Those who fail once, fail again and again. He keeps repeating the same mistake over and over again. As a result, they keep failing. Have you ever wondered why they do this? Because their ego has closed their eyes. His ego prevents him from believing that he may be wrong or that he may also fail.
Like Sandeep Maheshwari ji keeps saying this mostly. Seeing the Situation As It Is is the hallmark of a successful and intelligent person. When no man can see it. what a mistake he is doing. Nor does he have the desire to find that mistake. So that man has many chances of falling further down. Failure is not a bad thing. Rather failure can teach us many things. Failure and success are two sides of a coin. Sometimes we fail in life, sometimes we get success.(ego is the enemy book summary)
Author to solve the failure ego. Alive Time and Dead Time have been told. Detroit Red was a criminal. He used to sell drugs, steal and do many other dirty things. Then in February 1946 when he was 19 years old. He was caught for theft. He was sentenced to 10 years. He could have made a lot of criminal friends inside the prison and learned about the bigger crime. He could have become a big criminal. But he did a completely different thing.
He started reading inside the jail itself. He started reading about History, Psychology, Religion and Philosophers. After a few years this boy, later on became famous as Malcom X. Who was the American Minister. Who played an important role during the Civil Rights Movement. Detroit had made prison time alive time. Then he became Malcom X.
Alive time means. Use your every second either to learn something or to be in a good place. That’s where Dead Time happens. While you wait your good time will come. Then you will take action. Whenever we fail. So after that all the time should be made alive time. So that we don’t make such mistake next time. Then move forward for success.(ego is the enemy book summary)
So, this is the short summary of the comfort crisis book. hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like The 5 second rule , The magic of big thinking , Finish book by john acuff, Hooked book summary in my blog section.
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