
The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker

Summarized Notes “Brilliant guys are frequently startlingly ineffective; they fail to understand that brilliant insight is not achievement in and of itself. They never learnt that only through perseverance and methodical effort do insights become effective. “Knowledge, creativity, and intelligence are vital resources, but only effectiveness turns them into outcomes. They can only limit what

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The Decision-Making Blueprint Book Summary

The Decision-Making Blueprint is a thorough manual for improving your decision-making skills, preventing blunders and costly mistakes, learning how to programmed your mind to select better options, and eventually improving your life. People are said to as “home economics” beings in economics, which means that human nature is to be self-centered, analytical, and above all,

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The Self Discipline Blueprint Book Summary

The Self-Discipline Blueprint dives into the topic of self-actualization and explains why developing a routine, being focused, self-disciplined, and hardworking is essential for people to lead happy, successful lives. Everyone aspires to success, but only a select few are prepared to put in the effort. What, therefore, separates those who succeed from those who fail?

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The Pomodoro Technique Summary And Review

The Renowned Time-Management Method That Has Revolutionized Our Work Partner of the Berlin-based consultancy company Cirillo Consulting is Francesco Cirillo. His business offers resources, advice, and training to increase productivity in people and businesses in an easy, quick, and long-lasting manner. Cirillo created his productivity-boosting technique in the late 1980s while still a college student.

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