There are numerous lessons about attitude covered in Attitude Is Everything. Each lesson will be summarized. These courses deal with how to use the force of your attitude to accomplish your objectives in life. Humans have a propensity to concentrate on the bad things in life. The people you complain to, as well as your own thoughts and subsequent behaviors, are all impacted by this pessimistic outlook. You are unable to accomplish your goals because of this negative attitude and behavior.

Our circumstances are driven by our thoughts
This book’s premise is that our ideas control and influence our circumstances. Your outlook on life and the people around you serves as your window to the outside world. You can do anything if you believe you can. You cannot if you believe you cannot. In either case, you are correct since your attitude will affect your results. It’s a classic case of a prophecy coming true. Therefore make an effort to adopt a more optimistic outlook.
Your Mental Filter Is Your Attitude
According to Keller, attitude is the lens through which we view the outside world. Some of us have an optimistic lens, while others have a pessimistic lens through which we view the world. Some regard the glass as half full, while others see it as half empty. According to Keller, you have influence over your attitude, thus you should have a clear and uncluttered worldview.
Keller uses the analogy of attitudes to windows to make his point. Your view of the outside world comes from your window. When we are young, we all start with a clear window. Yet with age, our window is smeared in dirt from everything life throws at us: criticism, contempt, rejection and failure.
This dirt makes us question our ability. Negative attitudes are fostered by doubt. It is our responsibility to maintain a pure worldview. In other words, try to retain a good mindset. Employ a positive filter rather than a negative one. You ought to say “I can” rather than “I can’t.” When your window is clean, you will then be able to see that the outside world is full with opportunity for good.
We can pick all of our answers and reactions if we can choose how we view our situation. Victor Frankl’s mentality, a writer and survivor of a concentration camp, is used by Keller as an illustration. According to Frankl, people who were inherently more pessimistic frequently perished in concentration camps, but those who were optimistic were more likely to find the hope and fortitude to live.
Thinking kindly attracts success.
We are fundamentally human magnets. If we think about positive things and results, success will follow. We become what we think about.
“Dominant thought” is a concept that Keller introduces. You are in charge of your thoughts today. You will take actions to get toward a goal if you consistently think favorably about it. But if you have a bad attitude, you’ll never take the first step. If we are thinking badly all the time, we will act in a similarly negative manner. These are the kinds of actions that don’t advance our objectives.
You must therefore practice thinking positively. Till it becomes second nature, keep thinking uplifting thoughts. You got to where you are now because of your beliefs.
Knowing what you say to yourself might help you alter your thinking, according to Keller. You can also watch or listen to daily inspiring programs and inspirational books. The trick is repetition.
Keller also cautions readers against adopting a risky mindset of expecting instant success. We can be as optimistic as we can, but it does not imply we should anticipate immediate success.
We developed the ability to visualize at a young age.
We utilize visualization to comprehend our circumstances. Visualization is something you’ve done since you were little, and you should keep doing it. Keller advises readers to visualize every step they take toward their final objective by making mental movies in their heads. You must also purge your memory of previous thoughts that conjure up negative emotions like failure and disappointment. You are still clinging to images of failure or decreased aspiration if you are still struggling. As an illustration, Keller uses the biography of singer Celine Dion. Since she was five years old, she has dreamed of performing in front of thousands of people and winning numerous accolades. She kept clinging to these encouraging memories throughout her life, and she eventually succeeded in realizing her dreams.
Whatever It Takes, do it
Keller quizzes his audience on their willingness to go above and beyond to achieve their goal. This determination to go above and beyond is the secret to achieving your goals. Decide to keep this promise to yourself. After making this promise, you’ll be motivated to complete your task. Once you commit, good things will also start happening. Individuals in your vicinity will start assisting you in achieving your objective. Although it won’t be simple, you can move mountains if you don’t give up. Keller uses Benjamin Roll, a 74-year-old who eventually passed the California bar exam, as an illustration in this passage. He persisted in pursuing his objective and, on his fourteenth attempt, succeeded in passing the test.
Learn from Your Issues
How you react when faced with issues and disappointments is critically important. People frequently begin to doubt their abilities, their luck, and their surroundings. Yet, after this initial letdown, you have a decision to make. You can either:
- Continue to feel terrible OR
- Go forward after taking a lesson from the failures.
Either focus on the negative or look for the lesson in a challenge. Problems are frequently not even true difficulties. Instead, they’re essentially chances to make a good decision. They help you get better and perform better the next time. Adversity motivates us to make the required life changes and to unlock our untapped potential.
Attitude is Everything Book Review
Attitude is Everything is a self-help book written by Jeff Keller that focuses on the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. The book is designed to help readers change their attitude and mindset so that they can achieve their goals and become successful in their personal and professional lives.
The author emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude and how it can affect every aspect of our lives. Jeff Keller believes that success is not determined by our circumstances, but rather by our attitude towards them. He believes that with the right mindset and attitude, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals.
The book is divided into 12 chapters, each of which focuses on a different aspect of attitude and its impact on our lives. Each chapter includes real-life examples and practical advice on how to develop a positive attitude and maintain it.
One of the key takeaways from the book is that our attitude is a choice. We have the power to choose how we react to any situation, and we can choose to have a positive attitude no matter what is happening in our lives. The author provides various tips and techniques to help readers develop a positive mindset, including visualization, affirmations, and gratitude.
Another important lesson from the book is the power of belief. The author encourages readers to believe in themselves and their abilities, and to have faith that they can achieve their goals. He also emphasizes the importance of taking action and not letting fear or self-doubt hold us back.
Overall, Attitude is Everything is an inspiring and motivating book that provides practical advice on how to develop a positive attitude and mindset. The author’s writing style is engaging and easy to read, and the real-life examples make the book relatable and relevant to readers from all walks of life. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve their attitude and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.
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