Mindset Book Summary : The New Psychology Of Success By Carol Dweck

In Mindset, we will see what kind of thinking you should have to achieve success. This book tells us about two different mindsets as well as what mindset successful people have. In this book, we will learn about the mindset to be successful.
Carol Dweck is Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. She is known for her Mindset Psychological Trait work. She graduated from Barnard College in 1967 and did her PhD from Yale University in 1972.
With a growth mindset you can grow and with a fixed mindset you are confined to a limit.
Perhaps you have come across some people who believe that successful people were born with their talents. They believe that if they do not have innate talent then they can never achieve success. Such people are often the ones who do not succeed.
When people get frustrated for not achieving success then they start blaming others. If they don’t find any, they blame fate or God. According to him, God did not give him any skill or less skill than others. Such people are of fixed mindset. (Mindset Book Summary)
On the other hand, you must have met people who think that they can do anything if they want. Such people believe that they can achieve victory over any difficulty by working hard and giving more time to their work. Such people keep learning something or the other throughout their life and keep changing into a better person. This mindset is called the growth mindset. (Mindset Book Summary)
A right mindset decides our future. If we think that we will do this work then we are thinking right and if we think that we will not be able to do this work then we are thinking absolutely right.
It is our mindset that decides whether we can change ourselves over time and move forward or not. If you want to change your circumstances then you must first change your mindset.
People of fixed mindset have a fixed mindset and do not rise above it.
People of fixed mindset believe that talent is innate in a person. They believe that if they are not sharp in sports or writing since childhood, then there is only one reason why they were not made for that work. Instead of learning something new, they always think about staying within their limits and focus more on what they are already doing.
People of fixed mindset believe that man cannot change himself. According to them, if you are weak in reading and writing since childhood, then no matter how hard you try, you will remain like this for the rest of your life. Because these people do not try to do anything different, they are very afraid of making mistakes. (Mindset Book Summary)
According to them, if you make even one mistake in your whole life, then you will be considered a stupid person forever. Even if they make a mistake, they try their best to hide it so that no one can harm them. He is always looking for flaws in himself and in others and thinks that others must be finding fault in him too.
People with fixed mindset always keep asking others about their performance so that they can calm their ego and think that people think well of them. (Mindset Book Summary)
Whenever people of fixed mindset try to start a new work and are not able to do it properly, they start thinking that they will not be able to do that work for the rest of their life and leave the work after getting frustrated. Instead of giving hard work and time to their new job, they think about winning the gold medal in the first day’s practice and if they don’t win the gold, they start thinking that this job is not for them.
People having growth mindset become expert in any work by working hard.
Some people think that if they work hard, fail once, try again and practice again and again, they can do anything. Such people are a student in the true sense and remain a student throughout their life.
If you take the job of a teacher for a month, you will get children of both mindsets in the same class. If you ask a new question, some children try to answer it immediately even if they are giving the wrong answer. They are not afraid to fail and try to answer every new question. On the other hand, you will find some children who raise their hand only when they know the answer to the question completely. These children are of fixed mindset.
Children of the Growth Mindset see any new question as a challenge. They believe that with practice they can do anything. They are always looking for new ways to improve themselves and keep finding faults within themselves. They leave the old ways and keep looking for new ways and try to improve themselves in every way possible. (Mindset Book Summary)
People who have a growth mindset always welcome troubles. In their relationship, they try to improve their partner, while playing in the team, they play for the team only, they keep taking opinion from their employees from time to time and if someone does evil to them, they do not feel bad about that evil. Think about it and try to improve it.
People of fixed mindset try to prove themselves better whereas people of growth mindset try to improve themselves.
Let us take a look at examples of fixed mindset and growth mindset.
When Lee Lacocca became the CEO of Chrysler Motors, that company was about to sink. But after the arrival of Lakoka, that company was once again on the water. Lakoka was in the habit of taking quick decisions which saved the company from sinking.
But after this Lakoka started singing the praises of his victory. He started thinking of himself as a great big and started focusing on building his image. He was always taking opinion from others about himself. (Mindset Book Summary)
Lakoka was a man of fixed mindset. He always thought about creating his own image and used to take opinion of others about himself. This behavior of his shows that he always tries to prove himself better.
Apart from this, people who are of growth mindset always try to be better and not to prove themselves better. Its example is Lou Gerstner. (Mindset Book Summary)
When the IBM company started going into a lot of losses, then he took responsibility for it. He noticed that the employees here do not agree with each other and try to prove themselves right. All of them were doing their work but were not working together due to which the company was not running properly. (Mindset Book Summary)
He promoted teamwork in the company. They started rewarding employees who helped others. He increased the means of communication so that people from every part of the company could talk among themselves. Apart from this, he himself started working closely with the employees so that they could come closer to him and know about his ideas. (Mindset Book Summary)
Due to this work of Jarster, the company got success. The employees of his company started working together, due to which the company once again started touching the heights.
People of fixed mindset do not like to lose at all.
People with a fixed mindset think that they have become what they were meant to be and can no longer be better than that. So if they make a mistake, instead of correcting it, they try to cover it up. They always blame others for their mistake and never think of improving themselves. They don’t try to learn from mistakes.
On the other hand, people with growth mindset believe that only they are responsible for their failure and if they want to be successful then they have to try to improve themselves by leaving out the mistakes and shortcomings in others. Every time they try to learn from their mistakes and keep getting better in this race. Such people achieve success in their life. If they lose, they don’t act dishonest or try to cover up their mistake.
Every successful person in history had a growth mindset. Success can never be achieved in one night. As you keep changing and improving yourself, it slowly comes to you and one day when you are fully capable of it then it stays with you forever.
So, this is the short summary of the comfort crisis book. hope you liked it. If you find this informative then also check out some more book summaries like The 5 second rule , The magic of big thinking , Finish book by john acuff, Hooked book summary in my blog section.
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